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To bust or not to bust

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Very sorry to hear this as I know it was a key point for you. Please keep us updated as to how you are doing. No need for details on the finding but we care about how you're doing.

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Just a quick update - mostly to thank people here who supported me since May (as I'm not in a mood for writing). Couple of days ago I have learned and got proof there was a what you call PA. That's it really.

So Sorry Zinger.

New information always stirs emotions.

People are here for you as you need us.

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Just a quick update - mostly to thank people here who supported me since May (as I'm not in a mood for writing). Couple of days ago I have learned and got proof there was a what you call PA. That's it really.




Wish you luck going forward.

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I am very sorry for you, Zinger.


I know this was a huge question for you and I hope it has given you *some* clarity on your situation.

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My thoughts go out to you brother. Trickle truth is indeed more selfish than the affair and you don't deserve either of those **** sandwiches that you were served.


I know that there is nothing that we can do, so will spare the words.


Move on as quickly as humanly possible, your efforts to do so in advance will now pay dividends.


We will be here for you when you want to vent.



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Sorry to hear, but not surprised.


Totally explains the stonewalling and total inablility to come clean.


Good luck

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I'm sorry, zinger. It was a logical conjecture, based on their behavior, but until you know for sure, you always hope.

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Sorry to hear it, brother.


In time, I think you'll find it better to know than not know. I hope it gives you clarity about what to do.

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Hi Zinger,


At least you now know without a shadow of doubt. Sorry that it wasn't any different and I know you probably held out a glimmer of hope that it wasn't a full on PA.


I just never understand why people ruin a good thing for a cheap thrill, with no thought of the devastation or consequences.


Are you still considering relocating?


Do look after yourself. You deserve so much better than what she's done.

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Sorry for the outcome but you've set a good example of how to deal with this sort of situation head-on. So, sorry, but also, thanks.

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I'm really sorry to hear that Zinger, but not surprised.


When your ready, I hope you share with us how and what you found, so that we can use that information to help those seeking the truth.

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Very sorry to hear this news, guess that explains a lot of her behavior. She put you in this position but it is your decision to stay or get out. Do what is right for you, don't waste any more time.

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Thank you all for the wishes and support. As much as I'm ashamed to admit it but it does help a bit. Apologies for not being able to respond in kind at the moment.

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Thank you all for the wishes and support. As much as I'm ashamed to admit it but it does help a bit. Apologies for not being able to respond in kind at the moment.


How did you find out out about it ? And how is she reacting to it ?

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This is Sad. I had hoped your wife would have stopped short of letting her affair go physical. Just shows how those closest to us can be so very cruel. It is a classic case of "Et tu Brute". I guess your path is clear now howsoever painful it may be for you personally. In such a case it is best to cut the ties decisively and deliberately and move on with your life. Your ww is going to rue the day she met the artist guy and in the process losing you forever. It is her loss not yours and you can move on in life with your head held high! My best wishes to you. Good days ahead.

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I agree, it is unfortunately the ending that is too common.


Zinger, you have great strength of character not only in working your way through this **** storm, but in not "bailing" in the beginning when you were getting a lot of folks telling you that you were over reacting and this could just be a motherly little thing.


Good thing you weighed both sides of the coin and persevered or you still might be clueless.


You do WHATEVER makes you happy.

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Unfortunately by the time we suspect infidelity it's almost always too late. She knows what's coming, she always knew your stand on infidelity but still did it. The rush she got was worth the risk until she was caught. There is no do over, no stepping back over the line she crossed, this is her life and one she forced on you.

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You are under no obligation or expectation to post or go into it. The extent of our involvement here at this point is to support you in any way possible even if it's just sending you any good vibes that we have your way.


We are here for you in any capacity that you need. Period.



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