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ANOTHER jealousy thread...new girl at work

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My boyfriend brought home a bunch of pics that were takin by a guy he works with, who just decided to go around the entire store and take pics of everyone. *my b/f works at Best Buy if any of ya have heard of it* Well, as he was showing them to me, I seen a pic of him and this girl he works with. Apparently, the guy taking the pictures...when he got around to my b/f, he told him and this girl to pose for a pic. So he has hands on both her arms and they were both makin funny faces. Now can you believe that this got me alllll worried b/c i know he thinks she's pretty, which he didnt just come out and say that...he was tellin some kinda story one time and just happened to mention that. Anyways, I just got jealous b/c i seen him having fun w/ another girl *b/c he's a fun type of person anyways and likes to have fun* and had his hands on her and knowing that he thought she was attractive. He asked me what exactly I was accusing him of and I said, flirting. So I asked him, I was like "so was this just your idea of having fun?" he said yea. B/c he does have a fun work environment. I'm paranoid as hell b/c he's a real great guy! I wouldn't trade him for the world...but that's what scares me...some girl is gonna come along and he's gonna find something better in her or just as good or vice versa... Inputs/Opinions?

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I wouldn't sweat it... it's just a picture and he was only having a little fun for the camera. Unless he starts acting funny, I wouldn't worry about it.


If I had to wear a silly blue shirt to work everyday, I'd be flirtin' too.

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I'd worry that your jealousy is going to push him away and eventually, YAH you will have something to worry about. :( Reel it in, chicky, it was just a pict, just for fun. It wasn't a pict of him bending her over, groping her, etc...correct? Take it all into perpective okay? Your jealousy will chase him off before he even considers leaving. :(

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I would be terribly upset as well. I do not handle jealousy well.. that's why I came here, I saw some posts on it.


Talk to your man about it - see what he says.

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