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What guys who get a lot of girls understand

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in the real world good guys lose


In the real world many men have difficulty coping with the idea that maybe, they are not really as good and awesome as they thought that they were.


I have yet met a guy who claims to be nice guy and actually is.

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In the real world many men have difficulty coping with the idea that maybe, they are not really as good and awesome as they thought that they were.


I have yet met a guy who claims to be nice guy and actually is.


I have met them. And none of them are whining online and blaming women for their issues.

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Camaro Guy
Camero guy,


You appear to be a fairly well read, intelligent guy. Meeting and connecting with women is not rocket science. Yes, some guys are naturally better at than others.


At the end of the day, you need to be yourself, be genuine, have decent people skills. Most men and women can smell BS when it's presented to them. If you haven't had success, CHANGE what you're doing. Invest you free time in working on your people skills, appearance and sociability.


You have to understand that even ugly guys and girls get laid. The number one reason I see people not having success is deep self esteem issues which causes havoc in what confidence they may have. As such, they never put them self in a position of possible rejection.


I understand that it's not rocket science but it is still "science". I can read all the books I want but it will mean jack and **** when it comes to application. Just because you're intelligent in one area doesn't mean that will translate to another area.


I'm still attempting to get my social acuity up to par. It's getting there. Slowly. Too slowly for my taste.



I remember David Deida said in his book "The Way of the Superior Man", he said, " You are only hurting yourself if you want to be in a relationship with a woman more so than she wants to be with you", and yet many women use the stubborn argument that if he is truly into you, he will make it happen, pursue you, ask you out, they kinda imply that its better that the man be more interested in the beginning, and yet that's the damn paradox there.


There is no paradox. That's just one of the fundamental laws of nature. When you need someone more than they need you, you are the subordinate. There is typically no 50-50 split in things. This isn't just dating, this is LIFE dude. The person who makes themselves indispensable (what Seth Godin calls a linchpin) wins every time. The people who know how to leverage this to their advantage win. Why do you think petroleum engineers and surgeons are among the highest paid professions? Because people need them. Thus, they command a high market value.


The more indispensable you make yourself in life, the better off you'll be and the higher value you'll have. That's why it's important to learn as many skills as you can.


I had never been the guy who always got the girls; this was a revelation. I never did become a player type or whatever.... but from that moment on I understood that women have an involuntary switch and they love it when a guy figures out how to flip it.


As much as I hate talking about "alphas", you have a great point. That's why it's so important to seem larger than you actually are. Nobody wants to be a frickkin "beta", that's lame man. You don't get girls that way.


I don't know about anyone else but I want to ****ing win man. I want to win big. You don't do that without up-playing yourself unless you're already in a good position to allow yourself to come from a genuine place.


You need to establish the baseline then go from there. I'm in this to win it and I'll do whatever it takes.

Edited by Camaro Guy
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I understand that it's not rocket science but it is still "science". I can read all the books I want but it will mean jack and **** when it comes to application. Just because you're intelligent in one area doesn't mean that will translate to another area.


I'm still attempting to get my social acuity up to par. It's getting there. Slowly. Too slowly for my taste.





There is no paradox. That's just one of the fundamental laws of nature. When you need someone more than they need you, you are the subordinate. There is typically no 50-50 split in things. This isn't just dating, this is LIFE dude. The person who makes themselves indispensable (what Seth Godin calls a linchpin) wins every time. The people who know how to leverage this to their advantage win. Why do you think petroleum engineers and surgeons are among the highest paid professions? Because people need them. Thus, they command a high market value.


The more indispensable you make yourself in life, the better off you'll be and the higher value you'll have. That's why it's important to learn as many skills as you can.




As much as I hate talking about "alphas", you have a great point. That's why it's so important to seem larger than you actually are. Nobody wants to be a frickkin "beta", that's lame man. You don't get girls that way.


I don't know about anyone else but I want to ****ing win man. I want to win big. You don't do that without up-playing yourself unless you're already in a good position to allow yourself to come from a genuine place.


You need to establish the baseline then go from there. I'm in this to win it and I'll do whatever it takes.

So sounds even you say the woman is allowed to need the man more than vice-versa

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Negative Nancy
If a guy wants to have sex with a girl, he will do whatever he can to make it happen. Every act to get with a girl involves intention. In addition to that, it's all about up-playing yourself to make it seem as if the other person is getting the best deal. "Being yourself" may be good for a relationship but terrible for meeting girls.



Yeah, but women hate fake Alphas. The evolutionary purpose of bedding an Alpha male is to get his superior genetic material. And women know they only have a short window of time to secure those superior genes. A Beta who pretends to be an Alpha and gets a woman to mate with him is taking away some of her most precious commodity: time. The years she wastes with a Beta are years she doesn't get back. And to a woman, any man who needs help learning what turns women on can't be a natural Alpha, so his genes are unworthy. It's another play at the "just be yourself" lie. It's in a woman's best interest for men to honestly represent themselves exactly as they really are. If he's strong and dominant, he should be so obviously and naturally. Weak men are the same. They want the weak man to be obviously weak. It makes it easier for them to pick the right ones and consume the resources from the wrong ones.


Women see PUA teachings as a way for inferior males to trick a woman into giving him some of her precious time. Learning to appear Alpha through PUA techniques makes it much much harder for a woman to tell who naturally deserves her prime mating years, and who doesn't. That is why it's so insulting to them. How dare a pathetic weak Beta try to trick her into acknowledging he's a person and not just a bank account. How dare a pathetic weak Beta take her off the mating-market when she should have been spending those years getting as much naturally superior Alpha genetic material as she can. The bottom line is that women view PUA as robbery, and any man who supports and follows it as the worst kind of thief, for they steal something she can never ever get back. Any time wasted with a Beta she thought was an Alpha she feels was stolen from her by a subhuman creature not worthy of life itself, much less the precious life-giving nature of her womb.

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I have met them. And none of them are whining online and blaming women for their issues.


I mean, if you are a nice person you do not go around telling everyone what a nice person you really are and how nobody in the entire world can appreciate that.

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Yeah, but women hate fake Alphas. The evolutionary purpose of bedding an Alpha male is to get his superior genetic material. And women know they only have a short window of time to secure those superior genes. A Beta who pretends to be an Alpha and gets a woman to mate with him is taking away some of her most precious commodity: time. And to a woman, any man who needs help learning what turns women on can't be a natural Alpha, so his genes are unworthy.

People act in their own self interests. Like you infer with women having fun and maybe a baby with an alpha and then settling down with the romantic caring provider guy. Well from the phoney alpha's perspective he's achieved what he set out to do. The woman might hate him for fooling them into thinking he was all that, but at that point when they split she's in his rear mirror and he's on to the next one.

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What guys who don't get girls don't understand:


whining about women and becoming a wannabe PUA isn't gonna fix it

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What guys who don't get girls don't understand:-

Whining about women and becoming a wannabe PUA isn't gonna fix it



The bottom line.

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One thing I've noticed with guys who are really good with women are several things:


  • They are very amoral when it comes to girls
  • They tell someone what they want to hear
  • They are extremely socially intelligent
  • They talk to massive numbers of women with direct intention of going further


Notice I didn't include looks in that. It can play a part but generally, good looking people are more socially intelligent because they are often thrust into that world a young age. They know how to play the game.


A lot of my friends are very "grey" when it comes to girls. They do whatever it takes to get a girl. I have one friend who is an upstanding guy. He donates to charities, is kind to everyone, has nothing but positivity. But he is an absolute rake when it comes to women. He will exaggerate, lie, do whatever it takes for him to get laid. He said he thinks he's been with 50+ women but he lost count a long time ago.


I've read the Art of Seduction and most of my friends are masters when it comes to scoring with women. It's like it's in their DNA. You would have thought it would transfer to me by osmosis, but it hasn't. One of my friends said: "I was never good with girls. It was a learning process. I had to become extremely charismatic and confident almost to the point of arrogance. Then, I was drowning in female attention. But you just don't get it. You gotta earn that." This was a revelation to me and I made it my mission to become socially intelligent without seeming too manipulative.


I've decided to take an amoral/whatever means necessary to get girls too. I realize that my main goal at this age is to have sex and try and gain experience. Relationship to me at this point is counterproductive.


I was waiting in line the other day to get a ticket for the bus station. I hit up one girl, started talking. I lied about myself and where I was going. I then got her number. Texted her and said that I wanted to do lunch. She agreed. We were talking, I indirectly lied about myself throughout that entire conversation. I then made her fill in the blanks with what I was saying by being very vague. I contributed very little She was pretty much talking to herself. She ate it up.


I know women don't like to hear this but most things don't happen "organically", especially on the guys part. There is massive intention there. If a guy wants to have sex with a girl, he will do whatever he can to make it happen. Every act to get with a girl involves intention. In addition to that, it's all about up-playing yourself to make it seem as if the other person is getting the best deal. "Being yourself" may be good for a relationship but terrible for meeting girls.


It honestly feels sort of good being able to maneuver like this. I thought I had no power whatsoever. Now, I feel as if I can get what I want by being amoral. It's kind of fun.


We're hitting the bars tonight, so I intend to stretch this a bit further and see how far I can push the envelope.


And how does this make you feel as a person? Are you proud about the deception? Is this a person you envision yourself being? Do you see yourself as a positive contribution to the human race?

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Camaro Guy
Yeah, but women hate fake Alphas. The evolutionary purpose of bedding an Alpha male is to get his superior genetic material. And women know they only have a short window of time to secure those superior genes. A Beta who pretends to be an Alpha and gets a woman to mate with him is taking away some of her most precious commodity: time. The years she wastes with a Beta are years she doesn't get back. And to a woman, any man who needs help learning what turns women on can't be a natural Alpha, so his genes are unworthy. It's another play at the "just be yourself" lie. It's in a woman's best interest for men to honestly represent themselves exactly as they really are. If he's strong and dominant, he should be so obviously and naturally. Weak men are the same. They want the weak man to be obviously weak. It makes it easier for them to pick the right ones and consume the resources from the wrong ones.


Women see PUA teachings as a way for inferior males to trick a woman into giving him some of her precious time. Learning to appear Alpha through PUA techniques makes it much much harder for a woman to tell who naturally deserves her prime mating years, and who doesn't. That is why it's so insulting to them. How dare a pathetic weak Beta try to trick her into acknowledging he's a person and not just a bank account. How dare a pathetic weak Beta take her off the mating-market when she should have been spending those years getting as much naturally superior Alpha genetic material as she can. The bottom line is that women view PUA as robbery, and any man who supports and follows it as the worst kind of thief, for they steal something she can never ever get back. Any time wasted with a Beta she thought was an Alpha she feels was stolen from her by a subhuman creature not worthy of life itself, much less the precious life-giving nature of her womb.




I don't like PUA stuff and I don't like talk about "alphas" and "betas" because it's all too narrow-minded. However, you are on to something. Most people in general don't like their time wasted. A woman has a much shorter span of being in "her prime" than a man would simply because women and men are judged on different criteria. I know some older girls and they're already starting to hit the panic button just because they're nearing 30.


However, I don't believe in "alpha"/"beta" categorization. If that was the case, I should be considered "alpha". I'm a little under 6'3" and I'm 195. I'm sure most people would consider me "alpha" based on my physical appearance alone. Yet, I don't see women standing in line or fighting over me to procure my genetic material.


That's why I don't understand why guys say height is the end all be all. I'm taller than a lot of guys I know but my height hasn't helped me one bit. Also being absolutely ripped hasn't helped either, so that doesn't matter either. If anything, I go to the gym for myself.


Guys in general just have it all wrong. It's all about social intelligence and being able to maneuver and play the game. Most of the most powerful men in history we're anything special to look at.



And how does this make you feel as a person? Are you proud about the deception? Is this a person you envision yourself being? Do you see yourself as a positive contribution to the human race?


I just know you gotta do what you gotta do. Contribution to the human race? I see how I contribute in the lives of people around me. But not the human race. I'm not building rocket ships. I'm not sending guys to the moon. I'm not inventing electric cars. I'm not building wells in third world countries. Dating has no bearing on any of these, anyway.


I doubt we would hear about someone like Steve Jobs if it wasn't for any deception on his part. He knew what he had to do to maintain power and relevance. He wasn't always an honest Abe. To climb that high, especially in the shark tank that is Silicon Valley, you have to be somewhat manipulative. He just knew that he had to play the game. Yes, Apple makes great products. But he had to set the baseline first.


For that reason, I have no qualms in walking the gray area in order to get to where I need to be.

Edited by Camaro Guy
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...and to think people fought and died for morality.


For "men" - and I use that term very loosely* - to deliberately lie and deceive and crow abut it, just to get laid is a very sorry state of affairs... Ugh!!!

It IS sad.


Blame women???????!!!!!!!

OK, how can it be all women's fault, if he chooses to lie to a girl, a girl who he has intentions of f*cking and then dumping.

The morality of a sewer rat comes to mind...

I take that back, sewer rats I guess are honest in their intentions.


I am all for hooking up if that floats your boat, but sneaking around and manipulating women into sex is dire stuff.


men* - I sincerely apologise to all decent men out there.



This might sound strange.. but men want to have sex. There's thing called testosterone and it makes men crave sex. Think of it this way. Most women crave attention. At the very least they want to be desired. Men want to have sex.


So men are going to do what it takes to get it - just as long as it doesn't harm the woman and the woman isn't forced, men arent' animals - and it boils down to which man has what women want.


it is not sad. I don't have any issue with women who pretend to be more attractive than they are. I don't have any issue with women who pretend to like football or whatever because that's what the guy she wants is into.


If you want men to stop approaching women with the intention to have sex(and the only men who can come up straight to women and ask for sex are the Brad Pitts of the world) then either approach your govt. to help men reduce their sex drive(pills that cut off a man's sex drive, that wouldn't be such a bad idea for 15-25 year old men) or make prostitution not only legal, but affordable for most men, and make sure the women who work in the sex industry are there because they want to be, not because they are forced to.


I mean, porn is great and all, but it gets tiring after a bit. I know they'll eventually make porn as realistic and as good as sex but meanwhile I would like my younger brothers to get some, instead of acting like ''men'' and being befriended because they aren't 6 feet tall, or because they don't look like a 21 year old Tom Cruise :).



You sound totally desperate.


Are the men who head to the gym to lose extra weight desperate, because they want to reach an healthy weight, and because they want to be physically attractive?




Guys like the OP's friend are the human, male equivalent of make-up, brazilian waxing, push-up bras, hair conditioner, fake nails, fake eyelashes, cosmetic dentistry and so forth. Many times you don't know what the woman really looks like underneath all of the work and clothes which are specifically designed to either give her curves that aren't there, or to hide imperfections.


Somehow I doubt guys feel cheated or tricked when they find out that beautiful women are very rarely natural beautiful :). Are the women who engage in such pursuits desperate? No. They are doing what they can to increase their sexual appeal, nothing wrong with that.


Women see PUA teachings as a way for inferior males to trick a woman into giving him some of her precious time. Learning to appear Alpha through PUA techniques makes it much much harder for a woman to tell who naturally deserves her prime mating years, and who doesn't. That is why it's so insulting to them. How dare a pathetic weak Beta try to trick her into acknowledging he's a person and not just a bank account. How dare a pathetic weak Beta take her off the mating-market when she should have been spending those years getting as much naturally superior Alpha genetic material as she can. The bottom line is that women view PUA as robbery, and any man who supports and follows it as the worst kind of thief, for they steal something she can never ever get back. Any time wasted with a Beta she thought was an Alpha she feels was stolen from her by a subhuman creature not worthy of life itself, much less the precious life-giving nature of her womb.


True enough. But people in the dating world are trying to get something. if women don't like PUAS they can always avoid them. I'm pretty sure when a woman is trying to get something out of me, like Free drinks or attention and I deny them what they want. Women can also figure out who is a true Alpha male and who isn't, so if they are ''tricked'' its because they want to be tricked.


That said, I don't really believe PUA works. I've seen them attempt their trade on women who were just average(with the PUA's being average) and they were easily shut down by the approach of conventionally attractive men.



Guys in general just have it all wrong. It's all about social intelligence and being able to maneuver and play the game. Most of the most powerful men in history we're anything special to look at.


No, its not. Social intelligence will only make the guy come across as a good friend. I have many female friends. Women I befriended because I enjoy their company. I never tried to date them. And I tend to befriend women I'm not attracted to.


We share great emotional intimacy, they're honest about themselves and they all seem to be attracted to the same type of man. Of course most of them will not secure a relationship with one of those guys, and they will settle for a guy in their league, but the men they really want are all, tall, dark hair, dark skin, perfect teeth and face.


Your emotional intelligence is not going to make a woman sexually aroused for you. Sure, you might get to have a relationship with her, but if you aren't her type(tall, blond hair, metrosexual beard; whatever her personal preference is) you are not really having a relationship. Its not real.


I remember how back in college I had this guy who was for all effects a pretty decent-looking guy. Average height, wasn't obese nor skinny, wasn't a nerd. He was completely into a girl who was frankly below-average when compared to women around her. He kept on pursuing her for 3 years and she welcomed his ''friendship.'' She never led him on, but she knew what he felt for her.


That guy had huge Emotional intelligence and although he was in love with that girl he still noticed and interacted with other girls. How many girlfriends or one-night stands or FWBs did he have during his 4-year stay at college?




Enter these 3 guys I had in my class. They could barely knit a sentence together, treated women like trash and they were pursued and hit on by women all the time. Not only by just any woman. This one guy had 4 girlfriends in the space of 3 months, all of them models.


Young women are mostly interested in how the guy looks. As women age they begin to look for other stuff, but they aren't looking for a lover. They're looking for someone who'll be there. That is how most of my friends ended up in sexless marriages or are dateless into their 30s because they didn't realize that women in their 30s are looking at your income and your future income. They aren't looking at your abs.

Edited by Elam
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Here's a news flash: women want to have sex. Men and women want to have sex.


The quality ones don't lie and ditch their values to get it.


If you lie and ditch your morals to get sex, you are a bad person.



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I wonder if its an epidemic in this generation in which so many guys nowadays struggle to know how to meet and talk to women, attract them, or has there always been a huge portion of adult males that struggle with women?

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Here's a news flash: women want to have sex. Men and women want to have sex.


The quality ones don't lie and ditch their values to get it.


If you lie and ditch your morals to get sex, you are a bad person.




Women do want to have sex. Angelina Jolie does want to have sex. I honestly doubt she ever had sex with men who weren't at least close to her own looks, with the exception of her former husband.


Men aren't that picky. I've seen guys approach women, both when I was college and when I was out of it, who weren't attractive. A little chubby, maybe she looked nerdy, maybe she had thin hair. It doesn't matter.


The vast majority of men don't expect Jennifer Lawrence to approach them. Contrary to this, the only men I've seen being approached(and from talking to average men in relationships, many of whom were being deprived of sex anyway had to approach and work very hard to go somewhere with the women they were with) and being offered sex were handsome men. Tall men, or men who were muscular(although the guys had an attractive face, so i suppose that was what made women offer sex).


Do you know how many sexually frustrated men I am in contact with? Heck, I don't even need to talk about the men I personally know about. Visit reddit/forever alone and reddit/nofap and you'll see that there are a whole bunch of normal looking guys who don't suffer from mental illness and they're ''addicted'' to porn because they can't get any in real life.


How many women do I know who are sexually frustrated?


Only one.


It isn't even because of her looks. She has decent looks, a nice build and a nice face. She's only looking for 10's, but she has some serious personality issues and is afraid of intimate contact(most likely a 25 year old virgin) but all of the other women I know despite their average looks or below average looks can get laid whenever they want.


Even if the men they want are convetionally attractive.


If you lie and ditch your morals to get sex, you are a bad person.




Nope. The guy is not forcing anyone to have sex with him. He's not blackmailing anyone to have sex with him. And he's not getting a woman drunk to have sex with him. Those are the only three scenarios where a man is being morally corrupt.


Guys using elevator shoes to make themselves taller? He's not lying. Men using braces(as a teenager) to get near to that Brad Pitt smile? He's not lying. Guy saying he makes more money than he really does? not lying.


I've never taken it against a woman when I see that her blonde hair is bottle blonde, despite her doing a pretty good job at hiding her natural colour. I prefer blondes. Do I feel tricked when I find out the woman I'm talking to has dark hair? Nah, I just chuckle.


If you lie and ditch your morals to get sex, you are a bad person.


Is that so? Lord Byron was a notorious womanizer. The guy was kicked out of England because of his ways, using and abusing and ruining young women's lives(that, and because of his half-sister..). I hardly ever hear anyone claim he was a bad person. But he was 1.80 and considered the most attractive man in all of Europe, so he was a great person ? ;)



Sadly women have a much lower sex-drive. And men are competing with guys who can have several women at the same time, leaving many guys without any woman. Guys are just adapting to the sexual dynamics of the 21th century.

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Women do want to have sex. Angelina Jolie does want to have sex. I honestly doubt she ever had sex with men who weren't at least close to her own looks, with the exception of her former husband.


Men aren't that picky. I've seen guys approach women, both when I was college and when I was out of it, who weren't attractive. A little chubby, maybe she looked nerdy, maybe she had thin hair. It doesn't matter.


The vast majority of men don't expect Jennifer Lawrence to approach them. Contrary to this, the only men I've seen being approached(and from talking to average men in relationships, many of whom were being deprived of sex anyway had to approach and work very hard to go somewhere with the women they were with) and being offered sex were handsome men. Tall men, or men who were muscular(although the guys had an attractive face, so i suppose that was what made women offer sex).


Do you know how many sexually frustrated men I am in contact with? Heck, I don't even need to talk about the men I personally know about. Visit reddit/forever alone and reddit/nofap and you'll see that there are a whole bunch of normal looking guys who don't suffer from mental illness and they're ''addicted'' to porn because they can't get any in real life.


How many women do I know who are sexually frustrated?


Only one.


It isn't even because of her looks. She has decent looks, a nice build and a nice face. She's only looking for 10's, but she has some serious personality issues and is afraid of intimate contact(most likely a 25 year old virgin) but all of the other women I know despite their average looks or below average looks can get laid whenever they want.


Even if the men they want are convetionally attractive.




Nope. The guy is not forcing anyone to have sex with him. He's not blackmailing anyone to have sex with him. And he's not getting a woman drunk to have sex with him. Those are the only three scenarios where a man is being morally corrupt.


Guys using elevator shoes to make themselves taller? He's not lying. Men using braces(as a teenager) to get near to that Brad Pitt smile? He's not lying. Guy saying he makes more money than he really does? not lying.


I've never taken it against a woman when I see that her blonde hair is bottle blonde, despite her doing a pretty good job at hiding her natural colour. I prefer blondes. Do I feel tricked when I find out the woman I'm talking to has dark hair? Nah, I just chuckle.




Is that so? Lord Byron was a notorious womanizer. The guy was kicked out of England because of his ways, using and abusing and ruining young women's lives(that, and because of his half-sister..). I hardly ever hear anyone claim he was a bad person. But he was 1.80 and considered the most attractive man in all of Europe, so he was a great person ? ;)



Sadly women have a much lower sex-drive. And men are competing with guys who can have several women at the same time, leaving many guys without any woman. Guys are just adapting to the sexual dynamics of the 21th century.


I am sure all your words make you feel better.


I liar is not a good person.


And as for your sex drive comment, I'll just chuckle. I bet you couldn't keep up.

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I wonder if its an epidemic in this generation in which so many guys nowadays struggle to know how to meet and talk to women, attract them, or has there always been a huge portion of adult males that struggle with women?

There is this one guy, Mr. Zambardo who claims young men today are lost, that they have huge difficulties establishing intimate connections with women. I've read his book and I found it interesting. I understand why a 20 year old man would give up in his pursuit of women, as he looks around and sees a handful of men get all of the female attention. Not that men are entitled to sex, true, but its rather funny when women show up and say they are too interested in sex. Not just with someone who is in their league, lol.


Anyway, my father is still an attractive man in his 60s, and he only lost his virginity when he was 25 and he lost it with my mother, who already had had several sexual partners(like 10) before she was 25, and all of them were way of the top above average. My mother wasn't even all that great-looking, but she boosts about being chosen over much more attractive women. Yeah, I'm sure the restaurants I hang out at feel special because I go there instead of going to a Gordon Ramsey restaurant because I don't have the money hehe.


[commercial link redacted]


In Japan they have something similar. A huge percentage of young men aged 15-35 have never had sex and stay home to porn and video games because they can't compete with those dudes with Pop star/movie star looks.



I am sure all your words make you feel better.


I liar is not a good person.


And as for your sex drive comment, I'll just chuckle. I bet you couldn't keep up.

I am open to conversation. But I have no interest in ad hominem attacks. Add substance to your post and I'll bother with it. I know good persons who are incels in their 50's. I know douchebags who have more women than many African tribes have ever heard of. Unless the woman is being forced, it doesn't make him a bad person, to say that he has 1 Million in his bank account when the reality is that he has less than a thousand.


I'm sure I could keep up. I worked as a porn star when I was younger and I kept my stamina and my endurance. But thanks, I guess?

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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OP, So you’re deceptive and amoral in order to get someone to have sex with you. There’s nothing new in that. It’s as old as the hills. My daughter and her friends know the type, just as my friends and I did, and my mother and her friends did. Be that type of guy if you wish, but don’t think you’ll elicit any sympathy if women blow you off, consider themselves “too good for” lying horny bar guys, or use you as you attempt to use them. Old as the hills.

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And as for your sex drive comment, I'll just chuckle. I bet you couldn't keep up.

Oh my god .... :rolleyes:

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There is this one guy, Mr. Zambardo who claims young men today are lost, that they have huge difficulties establishing intimate connections with women. I've read his book and I found it interesting. I understand why a 20 year old man would give up in his pursuit of women, as he looks around and sees a handful of men get all of the female attention. Not that men are entitled to sex, true, but its rather funny when women show up and say they are too interested in sex. Not just with someone who is in their league, lol.


Anyway, my father is still an attractive man in his 60s, and he only lost his virginity when he was 25 and he lost it with my mother, who already had had several sexual partners(like 10) before she was 25, and all of them were way of the top above average. My mother wasn't even all that great-looking, but she boosts about being chosen over much more attractive women. Yeah, I'm sure the restaurants I hang out at feel special because I go there instead of going to a Gordon Ramsey restaurant because I don't have the money hehe.


[commercial link redacted]


In Japan they have something similar. A huge percentage of young men aged 15-35 have never had sex and stay home to porn and video games because they can't compete with those dudes with Pop star/movie star looks.



I am open to conversation. But I have no interest in ad hominem attacks. Add substance to your post and I'll bother with it. I know good persons who are incels in their 50's. I know douchebags who have more women than many African tribes have ever heard of. Unless the woman is being forced, it doesn't make him a bad person, to say that he has 1 Million in his bank account when the reality is that he has less than a thousand.


I'm sure I could keep up. I worked as a porn star when I was younger and I kept my stamina and my endurance. But thanks, I guess?

I wonder what has caused many young men to become lost when it comes to meeting and attracting women? Rise of technology, social media sites have they caused a big decline in social-skills? The way they were raised by their parents?

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Oh my god .... :rolleyes:


Yes, I got really intimidated ;)


I wonder what has caused many young men to become lost when it comes to meeting and attracting women? Rise of technology, social media sites have they caused a big decline in social-skills? The way they were raised by their parents?


I wouldn't say social skills have decreased that much since the day's my dad was trying to get laid. Its true that many young men spend several hours a day on video games, but so do young women, or they spend that time interacting with other young women. I suppose its hard for men to get free sex and relationships because its no longer necessary for men to have a job(young women don't concern themselves that much with his goals, or with his future) and the few men who are naturally good-looking can spend their time going from woman to woman.


Many women prefer a cad over a reliable, decent-looking boyfriend. There are average-looking men with women their own age, no doubt about it. But my friends are always complaining about the lack of sex they have in their relationships. They're still investing time and money and effort on theri girlfriends but the return is little. I could see why young men would turn to porn over facing rejection when approaching women, being used for attention or free meals, or having to compete with Dorian Grays who also have trust-funds.


OP, So you’re deceptive and amoral in order to get someone to have sex with you. There’s nothing new in that. It’s as old as the hills. My daughter and her friends know the type, just as my friends and I did, and my mother and her friends did. Be that type of guy if you wish, but don’t think you’ll elicit any sympathy if women blow you off, consider themselves “too good for” lying horny bar guys, or use you as you attempt to use them. Old as the hills.


He's not deceptive and amorality means that the guy has no trouble in making women have sex with him, forcibly. This guy knows that in order to have sex he needs to have something more than the joe next door. Remember that is much, much harder for men to get sex than it is for women.

Edited by Elam
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Yes, I got really intimidated ;)




I wouldn't say social skills have decreased that much since the day's my dad was trying to get laid. Its true that many young men spend several hours a day on video games, but so do young women, or they spend that time interacting with other young women. I suppose its hard for men to get free sex and relationships because its no longer necessary for men to have a job(young women don't concern themselves that much with his goals, or with his future) and the few men who are naturally good-looking can spend their time going from woman to woman.


Many women prefer a cad over a reliable, decent-looking boyfriend. There are average-looking men with women their own age, no doubt about it. But my friends are always complaining about the lack of sex they have in their relationships. They're still investing time and money and effort on theri girlfriends but the return is little. I could see why young men would turn to porn over facing rejection when approaching women, being used for attention or free meals, or having to compete with Dorian Grays who also have trust-funds.


I'm also thinking porn has maybe caused men to be too picky about women they want to date and hook up with, raise their standards too high, shooting for women way out of their league

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I'm also thinking porn has maybe caused men to be too picky about women they want to date and hook up with, raise their standards too high, shooting for women way out of their league


Nah. Most of the guys I went to college with were frequent users of porn. They all had their favorite porn stars but the women they had crushes on were nothing like the porn stars they watched at home. Frankly, most of the girls these guys had feelings for or were attracted to weren't all that great-looking.


We had foreign students from Germany, Sweden, France, Japan and so on who could blow out of the water any of the women we had in our college, ''native'' women, and these foreign students confessed to being average back home.


I never saw my friends or average-looking guys pursuing these foreigners. They tried to get with women who were part of their league, or they went for below average but the story was all the same. No luck. No luck in getting casual sex, no luck in getting relationships.


I remember when I was playing table tennis with 3 other classmates. One of them was bragging about doing 3(attractive no less) girls at the same time. I was at the college-sponsored BBQ, I can confirm what he was saying.


He was just there eating food and talking to his friend when the three girls approached him and offered sex. Obviously an average guy is going to look at what was going on and wonder why he spends so much time trying to get laid with average women and he can't, and this guy is munching down on food and gets the offer of a lifetime for free. I'm sure that turns off many men from the dating world.


Anyway, I was there at the tennis table and the guy was trying to tell our classmate, a friend of mine, that he needs to go with him to parties so he can teach him. He can teach my friend on how to be 6'6'' with a Brad Pitt smile and a Tom Cruise face? ;)

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He was just there eating food and talking to his friend when the three girls approached him and offered sex.

i don't know any part of the universe where that would happen

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