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What guys who get a lot of girls understand

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Camaro Guy

Young women are mostly interested in how the guy looks. As women age they begin to look for other stuff, but they aren't looking for a lover. They're looking for someone who'll be there. That is how most of my friends ended up in sexless marriages or are dateless into their 30s because they didn't realize that women in their 30s are looking at your income and your future income. They aren't looking at your abs.



I don't agree with this. I've seen too many "average" and "below-average" men end up with beautiful girls. It's not for monetary reasons, either. They provide value in other ways. Generally, people pair up with their equals in terms of looks but I don't believe it's the end game of things.

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This sh*t is extremely over exaggerated.


I think it's a bunch of basement dwellers, pulling all their sh*t off the internet, PUA and red pill and all that sh*t.

Edited by jay1983
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This sh*t is extremely over exaggerated.


I think it's a bunch of basement dwellers, pulling all their sh*t off the internet, PUA and red pill and all that sh*t.




And just in case we are confused:



[ey-mawr-uh l, a-mawr-, ey-mor-, a-mor-]

Spell Syllables

Synonyms Examples Word Origin



not involving questions of right or wrong; without moral quality; neither moral nor immoral.


having no moral standards, restraints, or principles; unaware of or indifferent to questions of right or wrong:

a completely amoral person.

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Camaro Guy
I wonder what has caused many young men to become lost when it comes to meeting and attracting women? Rise of technology, social media sites have they caused a big decline in social-skills? The way they were raised by their parents?


There's a variety of factors that fall in to this, many of them beyond the scope of this thread. But here's some: lack of direction from older male figures, lack of purpose, easy access to porn, declining testosterone, etc. Actually, declining testosterone is a big one. There's been many studies saying that testosterone in the average guy is declining drastically.


What do you do for self improvement? Is your grooming up to par? Do you go to the gym? Can you talk about a variety of subjects? Are you actively meeting women in different settings? If you're not doing anything to improve yourself, then how can you complain?


I really recommend going to the gym if anything. It will really help you out and increase your testosterone. The gym has done wonders for both my confidence and testosterone. When I got it check several years ago, my doctor said it was dangerously low. Now, it's on the average-high side. If you need a guide to get started, check this one out: I've found it extremely helpful: Absolute Aesthetics: The Beginner's Guide to Bodybuilding


I didn't even start this thread for it to be a complain-fest. I just started it so that other people could chime in with like experiences. A lot of my friends aren't models. They just are extremely socially intelligent and they know how to play the game.



He was just there eating food and talking to his friend when the three girls approached him and offered sex. Obviously an average guy is going to look at what was going on and wonder why he spends so much time trying to get laid with average women and he can't, and this guy is munching down on food and gets the offer of a lifetime for free. I'm sure that turns off many men from the dating world.


I do agree with you that women have lower average sex drives because of the lack of testosterone but come on dude, this is such bull****. This doesn't happen in the real world.



This thread has served it's purpose.

Edited by Camaro Guy
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