oceans23 Posted April 25, 2005 Share Posted April 25, 2005 Ever feel like just when you feel like you've got your footing back.... it gets ripped right out from underneath you? My boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend at the moment, cheated on me about a year ago. I caught him red-handed.... no joke. After much begging and pleading on his part, I took him back after a brief breakup. The "other" woman never backed down. She had dated him before I did and I guess felt as though she had more of a right to him than I, since, in her own words "she had him first." I liken her to my dog during Thanksgiving dinner... sitting under the table just waiting to pounce on any scrap of food that may fall from the table. Most would say, big deal, he's the one with the obligation... blah blah. Only problem is that the boy is more or less a cream puff.... he is the text book middle child, the peace keeper. I've seen him been royally f'ed by other people and he rarely speaks up for himself. Just let it pass and everything will be fine. I've seen it, his family has seen it... it's just "the way he is." So when this girl doesn't stop calling him, he just goes along with it figuring nothing is really "going on" so what's the harm. As long as I don't find out (since he swore up and down she was history), it's all good. Well I found out and all hell broke loose. We've been broken up for three weeks now.... and he's singing the blues AGAIN. My head is telling me to RUN!! You don't need this garbage! Not to mention my friends and family are lined up to kick his ass. He and I have gone through alot of crap. Most of the time resulting in me breaking it off with him for a while and then him crawling back EVERY TIME. Apparently before I uncovered the latest bout of untrustworthiness, he was hoping to ask me to move in with him when my current lease is up. What the heck? If I know anything, it's that he doesn't take living with a girlfriend lightly. Not to mention, I've NEVER brought the topic up myself. I know most of the time it's the girl who pressures the guy into something like that. At this point in my life, it is something I would love to do. I'm tired of the crud and the games.... SO HELP..... what is a girl to do here??? Link to post Share on other sites
Debster Posted April 25, 2005 Share Posted April 25, 2005 Run. Run. Run Run.... This guy is an idiot. You deserve more. Link to post Share on other sites
fyrwyfe Posted April 25, 2005 Share Posted April 25, 2005 So when this girl doesn't stop calling him, he just goes along with it figuring nothing is really "going on" so what's the harm. As long as I don't find out (since he swore up and down she was history), it's all good.[color=darkblue] Is this what you want? You already know you cannot trust this guy at all. Start going out with your friends more; start doing more things for yourself. Eventually you will meet someone who treats you right, and then you will look back on this guy and wonder "what was the attachment?" [/color] Link to post Share on other sites
lostgirl26 Posted April 25, 2005 Share Posted April 25, 2005 I have to agree. Why would you want to put up with that kind of behavior. He is not looking out for you only himself. Leave him, let them deal with it. Move on with your life. Link to post Share on other sites
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