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Thanks for the kind words mate. I definitely know that i'll survive, as I am feeling tremendously better than i was a few weeks ago.


I'm moving on, slowly but surely, the pain is still there, but not as potent as before. I do NOT want her back, that is firmly drilled into my brain so that also helps.


I just wish I knew how to feel good instead of just powering through day by day monotonously. I made a new topic yesterday (http://www.loveshack.org/forums/breaking-up-reconciliation-coping/coping/534658-need-some-guidance-indifference) seeking advice and everybody was helpful, I guess time really just does its work, let's hope...

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Tomorrow marks 2 months post BU and 1 month strict NC.


I really am moving on, the pain of the breakup is still there, the miss of what we once had is still there, but I no longer want her, I no longer love her, I can find somebody else and I WILL find somebody else.


I'm going away for a lifechanging holiday in 6 days for 3 weeks, can't wait for that, have been in contact with a girl who i'm going to take out for a drink when i'm back, all is looking bright!


So today I had the most awkward encounter with my ex to date; as I was walking past her road at lunch, perfect timing she pulls out of the road in her car, allowing me to pass in front of her and cross the road. Brief eye contact was made, no waving, no smiling, nothing. My heart did NOT sink and i'm really proud of myself!


It is sad that we are genuinely becoming strangers again, but that's life and that's how it should be after strict NC right? When we were together, she was very shy and HATED confrontation so I imagine she also felt very awkward hence why she didn't wave as she has done in the past, this time it was too awkward.


Onwards and upwards!

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