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Ahh! A bunch of problems...

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Where to even start.

I was dating this guy for a while and it turned out he was cheating on me the whole time I was with him,

I thought id never move on but eventually I did...

I started dating my boyfriend Corey last June.

In the beginning of my relationship my boyfriend and his ex hung out alot,

thats changed though he doesnt hang out with her anymore without asking me,

and if he does he will tell me, which isnt very often.

I get angry and sad all the time when I think about loosing him,

to the point it interupts my life.

When I think my boyfriend is mad at me, or anything...

I act like a total bitch to him...I guess I exspect him to prove hes gonna be around everyday...

I dont want to work, eat, and I can't sleep... I probabally have dependancy issues

and Ill be the first to admit it. My boyfriend isnt the most affectionate person in the world and it drives me nuts,

things like that set me off... a few questions...

1 what can I do to become more independant and not always worry about what hes doing?

2 How can I get my boyfriend to see im not being a bitch to offend him?

3 I need help.... PERIOD!

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i have a jealous problem too. even with my guy friends.


i usually do not say a word, as i know it is dumb....but when it comes to your SO hanging out with his ex.....that is NOT dumb.


Maybe it is totally innocent, but it bothers YOu. He needs to realize that most people would not be cool with that, and to respect your feelings.

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Originally posted by abernfitch1

things like that set me off... a few questions...

1 what can I do to become more independant and not always worry about what hes doing?

2 How can I get my boyfriend to see im not being a bitch to offend him?

3 I need help.... PERIOD!


To become more independant, start off, when you know he's out/your'e not 100% where he is/what he's doing, start a task, something to take your mind off him! Spring clean your house! It'll be clean in no time!

Talk to him. Tell him that you know you have issues, probably because of your previous Bf. Tell him that you really want to trust him, but for that to happen he will have to help you. Make sure he knows you're not checking up on him, but ask him to tell you some of the stuff he's gonna be upto *tomorrow* *through the week* etc, make sure he knows that to help yourself he needs to help!

Try not to be a bitch when you think hes mad at you! It might be hard, but ask him if he's ok with you! If you know somethings up,. instead of going straight into bitch mode, try and ask him what the prob is!


Hope this helps a little!

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