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2 months broken, is it too late?

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Okay let me make this short and simple.. Me and my ex gf of 3 years broke up, because she emotionally detached herself from me. So I did what most people would do and break things off instead of clinging onto what was left.. So ive been off and on NC.. Went a week with NC, then texted her for the rest of my stuff I had left at her house. So I very much love this girl, and would do anything to make us work out. She has a lot of things going in her life right now, and she said she would like to do things on her own because she has been to dependent on me and her friends her whole life. I met up with her today, it started off smooth but totally did not end like I wanted it to. Anyways I started talking about the relationship and what she wanted, I knew I should've ended the meet up sooner. I asked her if she wanted her space and she said yes, but she still wanted us to talk. So my question is should I leave her alone or still talk her like any other person? Play it cool or is it too late to back off a bit?

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Most everyone advocates "going NC" here, but you have to decide for yourself if having her lingering in your life is worth it. It'll likely stress you out and you won't reconcile anyway, but on the other hand if you've got your emotions under control, continued contact (assuming she isn't using you or stringing you along for her own purposes) can make the end easier to bear imo.

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