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Sun Poisoning..does it cause flu symptoms?

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So I went to the beach yesterday and I burned.


I am completely red, my skin is literally burning, I have flu symptoms all of a sudden and I feel as if I have a fever...


My boss says I might have sun poisoning...I did a google on it and I have all the symptoms except a rash? My skin is red, burnt and itchy though..


I haven't read that it causes flu symptoms though? Does it? Anyone know? I feel like crapola!

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I believe it can make you feel ill. It's generally a temporary discomfort and usually subsides after a few days.

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are you staying hydrated?


you can by oatmeal baths, in a packet....that helps with the itch, then drown yourself in aloe.


hope you feels better! If you are really worried call the doctor's office, the nurse should be able to assist you some.

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MOTRIN!!!! 600 mg of it, fast!!!


Sounds like maybe you've got some heat exhaustion or sun poisoning.


But girl, I've seen sun poisoning from the clinic where I worked and this girls skin was literally polka-dotted. :eek: I'm assuming no blisters?

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No I dont have blisters But I am soooooooooooooo red.


My face feels like its literally on fire. And I feel sick. I have flu symptoms and I got this cough that came out of nowhere.


The thing is it was really windy yesterday and I just stayed at the beach tanning away and because of the breeze I didnt feel how bad the sun was coming down.


Well I feel it now...I feel like if I have a fever but I cant tell if my face is hot from the sun or if I have fever?


I have to wait until I get home and use a thermometer.


Motrin? I have motrin at home I will overdose an that sh*t.. j/p

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Originally posted by EC

No I dont have blisters But I am soooooooooooooo red.


My face feels like its literally on fire. And I feel sick. I have flu symptoms and I got this cough that came out of nowhere.


The thing is it was really windy yesterday and I just stayed at the beach tanning away and because of the breeze I didnt feel how bad the sun was coming down.


Well I feel it now...I feel like if I have a fever but I cant tell if my face is hot from the sun or if I have fever?


I have to wait until I get home and use a thermometer.


Motrin? I have motrin at home I will overdose an that sh*t.. j/p



i bet you got wind/ sand burn yesterday too, with the wind.


just take cool showers to keep yourself from getting way too hot, drink cold water, anf try to sleep.

you need to let your body rest......... again, slather on some moisturizer!

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Gotta love those UV rays... just wait 'til the skin starts to peel. The "Freddy Kreuger" look won't last long, though. I promise. :p

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DH has a problem with that because of the meds he takes, the biggest problem is pustules that form on his skin ... since he's not allergic to asprin, we've found that rubbing Aspercreme on his skin works the best because it controls the inflammation of the skin. If we catch it early enough, his skin will not break out in those pustules! :sick:

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Those pustules are horrible... back in high school my friend, who's white as a ghost, got those all over his back and shoulders and couldn't wear a shirt for days. We'd gone to the beach on a cloudy day, too, which is dangerous because the burn settles in slowly and more painfully. By nightfall he was a very unhappy camper.

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Sunstroke can be very dangerous. If you have a fever, get to a clinic or hospital. Drink LOTS of water. You could, if you get a high fever, go into convulsions and even die.


Heat exhaustion and heatstroke

Heat exhaustion occurs when a person cannot sweat enough to cool the body. It generally develops when a person is working or exercising in hot weather. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include fatigue, weakness, headache, dizziness, or nausea, and skin that is cool, moist, pale, or flushed. Mild cases of heat exhaustion can be treated at home.


Heat exhaustion can sometimes lead to heatstroke, which requires emergency treatment. Heatstroke occurs when the body fails to regulate its own temperature and body temperature continues to rise, often to 105 °F(40.56 °C) or higher. A person with heatstroke may stop sweating. Symptoms of heatstroke include confusion, delirium, or unconsciousness, and skin that is red, hot, and dry, even under the armpits. Heatstroke is a life-threatening medical emergency.



Severe sunburns don't just make you feel sick, they can blister and lead to infections that require medical treatment. Some doctors treat bad burns with steroids, such as prednisone, but the medical community can't agree on whether or not this is necessary.



Plus every sunburn increases your susceptiblity to skin cancer later in life.

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