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Throwing in the Towel

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You see that's what pisses me off, the confidence and validation for success with women I need to get from other areas of my life, areas that sound boring to me


I'm not telling you that you need fulfillment in other areas of your life to be successful with women. I'm merely telling you not to sweat not having them.


You don't need to worry about women at all. Just have fun doing something else.

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Because of women?!! Screw that.


You need goals other than women. Maybe accomplish other things that make you feel good.




Women in a romantic sense are so unreliable and ready to leave for the most asinine reasons that they should never be a man's primary goal.


Socially speaking, forming a small but solid group of close, lovable and reliable friends is much more rewarding and important IMO. Both male and female ones when possible.


Women will always come and go in one's life but friends are forever!

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Women in a romantic sense are so unreliable and ready to leave for the most asinine reasons that they should never be a man's primary goal.


Socially speaking, forming a small but solid group of close, lovable and reliable friends is much more rewarding and important IMO. Both male and female ones when possible.


Women will always come and go in one's life but friends are forever!


Women AND men in a romantic sense are unreliable. Temptation has always been in human nature .. It seems as though it is becoming increasingly acceptable.

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I was talking from a male perspective but still, I've never heard of a man leaving a woman because she lost her job, didn't have a nice enough car, wasn't confident enough, was too nice, didn't wear cool clothes, etc.

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Don't understand that metaphor


Imagine as a bloke all you had to do for a date is show up. Didn't have to organise anything or pay for anything... Wouldn't you do absolutely nothing to change that set up as well ;)

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I'm 26 and I have no luck with women it seems...


People always say I'm funny and athletic(I work out and play multiple sports) and no one wants me... I'm basically in the towel group. Everyone else can find someone but me. I feel like some never even tried while I try non stop.

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Everyone else can find someone but me. I feel like some never even tried while I try non stop.


There might be a lesson in that .... stop trying so hard to force something, be happy and content with what you have and then see what happens ;)

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Where does it say I am trying to hard? You are making assumptions that I don't know how to do my job correctly.


Ugly people in relationships? I haven't seen it??? Im not even sure if I seen many people in relationships near me?? This is the hook up culture at work. There is no serious dating. Just selection of casual sex based on looks.

I agree. We live in a culture that most women are looking for the grass is greener on the other side or a total jerk. There are not shortage of women for jerks

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That goes both ways cause we can't see who's posting. I agree with you a lot most advice on here is crap.


A lot of these dudes have, no life, no style, don't know what clothes or haircut suits them and are paranoid to even talk to women It's easier to give advice when you can see, hear and slap somebody.

What does that have to do getting a woman. I hate to break it to you,But there are plenty of jerks out there that have no life,job. Some even have funky hair style. Even some are jailbirds and drug dealers. And guess what?They have women hanging on them like bees on honey!!!!I can not speak for you. But these winners are never single. Most are married. But never single. Most women love these types

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I was talking from a male perspective but still, I've never heard of a man leaving a woman because she lost her job, didn't have a nice enough car, wasn't confident enough, was too nice, didn't wear cool clothes, etc.


Wellmen have their own ridiculous set of reasons for messing up relationships. There's plenty of bold examples right now on LS and I presume it ain't limitied to this place. Lets not play the holier than women fiddle too soon.

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sadly, unfortuneately, this quote I got from an E-Book about meeting and attracting women is right, here it is:



"A Man will often distract himself with work, porn, hobbies, his friends, or other things in an attempt to mask the pain of being unsuccessful with women. No matter what they do, nothing replaces their primal, innate, instinctive desire to have a loving, sexual, intimate relationship with a real woman.



Accepting defeat is not going to fix any of your issues with women. Your desire to have sex with women and be loved by women is not going to go away if you play more computer games, video games, hobbies, working harder on your job, career, education, or making more money. You want women and that is that, it is not going to go away."

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sadly, unfortuneately, this quote I got from an E-Book about meeting and attracting women is right, here it is:



"A Man will often distract himself with work, porn, hobbies, his friends, or other things in an attempt to mask the pain of being unsuccessful with women. No matter what they do, nothing replaces their primal, innate, instinctive desire to have a loving, sexual, intimate relationship with a real woman.



Accepting defeat is not going to fix any of your issues with women. Your desire to have sex with women and be loved by women is not going to go away if you play more computer games, video games, hobbies, working harder on your job, career, education, or making more money. You want women and that is that, it is not going to go away."


All true based on my own feelings at the moment.

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All true based on my own feelings at the moment.


ya, well, gotta do something I guess that translates to something similar of Hercules 12 labors, sarcastically speaking, i'm thinking the reason why Greek Mythology invented Hercules, and had him to those 12 labors, was to be a metaphor to describe on how men are held to higher standards in life than women are, they always talk about men failing to be a real "Man", but never talk about women failing to be a real "Woman".

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sadly, unfortuneately, this quote I got from an E-Book about meeting and attracting women is right, here it is:



"A Man will often distract himself with work, porn, hobbies, his friends, or other things in an attempt to mask the pain of being unsuccessful with women. No matter what they do, nothing replaces their primal, innate, instinctive desire to have a loving, sexual, intimate relationship with a real woman.



Accepting defeat is not going to fix any of your issues with women. Your desire to have sex with women and be loved by women is not going to go away if you play more computer games, video games, hobbies, working harder on your job, career, education, or making more money. You want women and that is that, it is not going to go away."


That was from a guide about attracting and meeting women. Of course they aren't going to tell you to get busy enough so you don't miss women!


Plenty of people bury themselves in hobbies or ambition doing other things. It's like those career women who are too busy climbing the workplace ladder for children or families.

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Plenty of people bury themselves in hobbies or ambition doing other things. It's like those career women who are too busy climbing the workplace ladder for children or families.



They eventually cave into nature.



When I was in college we studied the feminism phenomenon, and it's funny how most ardent feminists eventually left the rate race when the biological clock was almost up for reproduction.



The end result was them (femi's) having children in their mid 30's.



Fighting nature is not an easy battle.

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sadly, unfortuneately, this quote I got from an E-Book about meeting and attracting women is right, here it is:



"A Man will often distract himself with work, porn, hobbies, his friends, or other things in an attempt to mask the pain of being unsuccessful with women. No matter what they do, nothing replaces their primal, innate, instinctive desire to have a loving, sexual, intimate relationship with a real woman.




Accepting defeat is not going to fix any of your issues with women. Your desire to have sex with women and be loved by women is not going to go away if you play more computer games, video games, hobbies, working harder on your job, career, education, or making more money. You want women and that is that, it is not going to go away."

I disagree 100%. Men that have been screw around by screw up women become loners and hermits everyday And most will be that way until they die. . I have no need to be screw around agai by some woman that do like to play games. I have better things to do with my time. I could careless about romance or being with a woman. The worse times of my life was when i went that route. NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!
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Happiness is found within yourself.

If you can't be happy with you then how can you be happy with someone else?

Also, nowadays dating isn't like back then.

You either have to have money or a car or a place that's very nice or good clothes or so on so forth. It sucks I know but welcome to America. It's how we shaped this country from following our parents and the artists it is we see.

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Dude, you're young, there's still some potentil in you.


I'm in the same boat you are. Women have pretty much been abusive of me all my life because I am not a muscular jock of some sort or a rich doctor or lawyer. That's the only thing women care about.


I am 47 years old, and I am still a virgin, and i have never even been kissed romantically by a girl.


I've completely given up and have come to accept that i will always be alone without any kind fo girl for me. Masturbation to porn once in a while is I have.


I have nothing to offer women, so they hate me and reject me.


And there are other guys out there that are in their fifties and sixties that are in the same boat as I.


So don't abandon ship yet.


But I was your age when i found out that that the only thing women want in this world are a muscular jock or a rich doctor or lawyer. They really don't care about anything else.

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Dude, you're young, there's still some potentil in you.


I'm in the same boat you are. Women have pretty much been abusive of me all my life because I am not a muscular jock of some sort or a rich doctor or lawyer. That's the only thing women care about.


I am 47 years old, and I am still a virgin, and i have never even been kissed romantically by a girl.


I've completely given up and have come to accept that i will always be alone without any kind fo girl for me. Masturbation to porn once in a while is I have.


I have nothing to offer women, so they hate me and reject me.


And there are other guys out there that are in their fifties and sixties that are in the same boat as I.


So don't abandon ship yet.


But I was your age when i found out that that the only thing women want in this world are a muscular jock or a rich doctor or lawyer. They really don't care about anything else.

Really? 47 and never had a girlfriend? I would have killed myself already

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Really? 47 and never had a girlfriend? I would have killed myself already


Just delete your account from life OP.


Screw that. Give up the only chance at life because SOMEONE ELSE doesn't like you?!! You guys need to stop letting women have this power over your sense of self-worth. A good companionship with a woman who cares for you can be a beautiful thing, but you can live without it. It's only the icing, the chocolate jimmies or the cherry on top, not the entire cake or ice cream dish.

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normal person


But I was your age when i found out that that the only thing women want in this world are a muscular jock or a rich doctor or lawyer. They really don't care about anything else.



Women have biological urges and needs too. They're typically smaller and weaker then men, so they like to feel protected, hence the attraction to strength and athleticism. Also, like most people, they want to have a comfortable life and make sure their kids survive to reach adulthood themselves. That's why they're attracted to succesful guys who can provide. It's not rocket science.


If you think your statement is true (I think it's a pretty big exaggeration -- most men aren't particularly athletic or rich, yet most don't struggle to find women), then you have the blueprint for success: go to the gym and/or law/med school.


If you know what women want, go get that thing rather than complain that they don't like you as is. That won't change anything. Eventually you'll have to step out of your comfort zone.

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In my experience, it's not even just dating, it's everything. I'm not even "good enough" to be friends with, apparently.


As much as I'd love to be able to just say "I'm over it, I'm going to focus my time and energy elsewhere", that's incredibly difficult, because deep down, I think everyone wants to feel accepted and loved by people, to have people in their lives that they care about, to have some kind of social aspect to life. So it's completely gutting to know that you're just not good enough, for anyone, for anything. It's a soul-crushing thing to know that you'll never know true friendship, never know true love... Me, personally, I've never even been on a proper date with someone, never known affection or intimacy. To know that these are things that I'll just never get to experience, it makes me question what the point of my life is if I can't even experience some of the most basic human experiences.

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In my experience, it's not even just dating, it's everything. I'm not even "good enough" to be friends with, apparently.


As much as I'd love to be able to just say "I'm over it, I'm going to focus my time and energy elsewhere", that's incredibly difficult, because deep down, I think everyone wants to feel accepted and loved by people, to have people in their lives that they care about, to have some kind of social aspect to life. So it's completely gutting to know that you're just not good enough, for anyone, for anything. It's a soul-crushing thing to know that you'll never know true friendship, never know true love... Me, personally, I've never even been on a proper date with someone, never known affection or intimacy. To know that these are things that I'll just never get to experience, it makes me question what the point of my life is if I can't even experience some of the most basic human experiences.

:( Well-put. Great use of the word 'soul crushing.' How old are you, if I may ask?


I noticed an ironic thing a while back. The closest think to intimacy I've experienced has been from 'paid companionship.' The saying is, a may doesn't pay a woman for sex, he pays her to leave afterward. And I always found myself wishing they'd just stay a little longer afterward, just to avoid having to go back to being alone. The epitome of pathetic, I know.

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