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Dropped the ball, blech

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I went to a workshop today. 40 minutes into the 4-hour workshop, a woman walked in, apologizing for being late. I didn't think much of it at first, it was just "oh, cool, another participant."


She took an empty seat next to me, and we made quick introductions since the workshop was already underway. Over the course of the workshop, I started noticing her more. I would describe her as "beyond my league" :p.


She would turn to me and make random comments about whatever was happening in the workshop (normal)...


...lean towards me when whispering (normal)...


...turn to me a each time as she laughed at something funny that was said by the facilitator in that "shared moments" kind of way (not normal)...


...ask me to be her pair when we were asked to pair up with someone for an exercise (normal-ish, but we were in a circle and there were two other people on her side).


Towards the end of the workshop we played a little game where each participant had a big cardboard taped to their back, and everyone goes around and, using a sharpie, described the person who had the cardboard on their back.


I got a lot of nice things said about me on my cardboard. Everyone did, really, but she wrote "gorgeous smile" on my cardboard (definitely not normal -- I have misaligned teeth :lmao:).


When the workshop ended, I wanted to ask her if she wanted to hang out at a restaurant nearby. My intention was to hang out, get to know her a little bit more a.k.a check for boyfriends :lmao:, then ask her out.


"Any plans?"

"Right now?"


"Ooh, it's my friend's birthday so we're spoiling her at <restaurant> in <next town over>. Come with us!"

"Blah, I wish I could, but I live almost two hours away and I have to be back in <city> at <time> for a show. I wanted to see if you want to hang out for a short time before I leave."

"Aw. Well, it was very nice meeting you! Do you have Facebook?"

"Sure do."

"Add me!" *writes her full name on my palm*


And we said our goodbyes. Silly me completely left it at that instead of asking for another time. On the flipside, she didn't either, and FB isn't as significant as a phone number. :eek:


Well, at least I learnt that she's very friendly. :laugh:

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How'd you drop the ball? You had another commitment, what could you do?


You got her contact info as well.


If that exact same thing happened to me, I honestly wouldn't think that women necessarily was attracted to me at all. Plus, you don't know anything about her at all.


But again, you got her info. Contact her.

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