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[color=indigo][font=century gothic]Hello everyone I have been dating my boy friend for about 11 months now and since we have meet we have been very honest with one another but there is one big thing that bothers me about him. He is SUPER Jealous to the point where I can't even go with my family. Its not that he doesn't want me to go or keeps me from going but he's always asking "why", "who's there", and "why do you have to go". And i just get so mad that i don't do the same thing to him. He gives me excuses like "I'm going to miss you" and i was just trying to be "cute". I have tried everything well everything i could think of scolding him like a little kid , giving him ultimatum. I don't know what i can do he says he will change but i just don't know what to do any more I have run out of options. [/font][/color]

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He's not jealous he's a control freak. RED FLAG!!!! He could be abusive. Alot of control freaks are like what you described. Making you account for your every move is smothering and suffocating - it's not love. Watch out - if he's like this so early on in the relationship you gotta wonder how bad it's gonna get further down the road.


Don't mistake this as jealousy as "oh he just loves me so much he can't stand being away from me". He's more than likely been this way before in other relationships. Watch "Fatal Attraction" and you'll get the picture.


If he starts stalking you then you need to end it.


I was married to someone like this - and he was a cop. Unfortunately I mistook his neediness and jealousy as "wow, he just loves me so much". It escalated - he had tracking devices put on my car, accused me of seeing other guys and became irate at my own mothers funeral because too many MEN were coming up and hugging me.


Then one night he exploded in a rage and shoved me. I ended it and never looked back. I realized his control freak ways were abusive and out of control.


Beware of this guy - almost all control freaks end up being abusive either emotionally or physically.

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