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im clueless i have no idea if this guy likes me... there's too many mixed signals!!!!

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I have this HUGE crush on a guy for 3 years, but I can't bring myself to tell him that. He's a friend of mine, and we fool around alot. In tech class last year he sat next to me and teased me alot (in a good way) and tried to get me to laugh (which I did). this year he's in my math class and we sit opposite to each other.


Everytime something happens we look up at each other at the same time and start laughing silently. He's also in orchestra with me. (He's first chair cellist and im first chair violinist, which means we are directly opposite from one another.) During and in the middle of pieces, we would always look up at the same time and he would smile at me. After orchestra, he would help me clear the orch. folders (I'm a helper) and then he would pretend he was doing something until I was ready so that we could go to our lockers together. Sometimes in the hallways i would catch him staring at me, but he always looks away.


We have a lot of eye contact and we have a lot in common. Next year we're going to high school and I'm pretty sure we're going to be in the same classes cuz we both chose the EXACT same classes, including orchestra. One of my bbf overheard two of his bbf telling each other how they have to make him do something about his crush on me. In my outside orchestra (which he's also in) there were rumors that he liked me. I know i shouldnt pin my hopes on that, but i really do wish it was true. If he was someone who wasnt my friend, i would have thought he might like me, but since he's my friend I'm not so sure.


I don’t know if he knows about me liking him or not. Last year there were rumors that I did, but it blew over a long time ago. In the last dance, I was going to ask him to dance but during the slow dances he and and his friends went to the “hang out room.” (Theres the “dance room” where people dance and the “hang out room” where people just hang out and chill.) So I never got him to dance with me.


I’m sorry this is soooo long but this is the biggest crush I’ve ever had and I don’t know if he likes me back.



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You need to read the book "he's just not that into you" by greg behrendt and liz tuccillo to decide if this boy likes you. The book is changing my life. It goes over what boys/men do when they are in fact into you and it is from a man's perspective!

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