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Am I Going too fast?

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I've been dating a girl I really like for 3 months and we seem to be moving at different paces. The first month was real hot & heavy and she wanted me to spend the night everytime we saw each other. Then, all of a sudden, she told me that she likes sleeping alone and that we should only spend the night together on weekends. She claims that sleeping together is like playing house, and she's not ready for that. I don't want to push her, but I feel like we're going backwards. We do still have sex regularly, but she doesn't want me to stay the night. Am I going too fast or is she going too slow??

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I've been dating a girl I really like for 3 months and we seem to be moving at different paces. The first month was real hot & heavy and she wanted me to spend the night everytime we saw each other. Then, all of a sudden, she told me that she likes sleeping alone and that we should only spend the night together on weekends. She claims that sleeping together is like playing house, and she's not ready for that. I don't want to push her, but I feel like we're going backwards. We do still have sex regularly, but she doesn't want me to stay the night. Am I going too fast or is she going too slow??

You've been dating her for 3 months and your having sex with her!? She probably wants to slow down, and I don't blame her. I think you guys should slow down...like, a lot. Your relationship is going at a psuedo speed; I personally think people should be together for at least a year before they do that sort of thing. That's just me, but relationships last longer if you love conservatively over a long period of time, not emptying all of your passion in a short period of time. Good luck





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  • 2 weeks later...
Austin Reed

Too fast. She knows this and she is trying to put on the brakes. The fact that you even had to ask this question shows how little you know. Let her set the pace or YOU will screw it up.

I've been dating a girl I really like for 3 months and we seem to be moving at different paces. The first month was real hot & heavy and she wanted me to spend the night everytime we saw each other. Then, all of a sudden, she told me that she likes sleeping alone and that we should only spend the night together on weekends. She claims that sleeping together is like playing house, and she's not ready for that. I don't want to push her, but I feel like we're going backwards. We do still have sex regularly, but she doesn't want me to stay the night. Am I going too fast or is she going too slow??
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