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What have I done?

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I have been seeing this guy for about two months. We have had a rough time getting started together, been trying since about September. He took me out a couple weeks ago and it was really nice, he made a big deal out of it. This past weekend we spent a lot of time together, but i haven't seen him this week. I met his friends this weekend and didn't really click with them at all, we're very different. We were supposed to meet today, but he was late and then called me to see if I still wanted to do anything. I don't know why he would ask that when I was enthusiastic about it last night. I was already mad that he was late, and so I kind of snapped at him telling him he didn't have to come if he didn't want to. he was surprised that I said that, and for the rest of the conversation I wasn't very nice, giving short answers, etc. He said he would come get me, and then called a few minutes later to say that he had a lot to do, he's leaving this afternoon for a trip. Again I wasn't too nice. I guess it shouldn't have been that big of a deal, and I felt terrible after for being so mean. I called and left a message saying I was sorry. I won't get to talk to him for a few days and I feel just awful. I guess the reason it made me mad was that I have this constant fear that he's going to suddenly out of nowhere tell me he doesn't want to see me, it's happened before. I don't know if he decided that after seeing me around his friends or not, I could be jumping to conclusions. Bottom line, what should I do, does anyone think I should be worried about anything here? Thanks for your time.

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He doesn't have to please his friends, he has to be happy with you himself.


Most men do not get too happy with women who are not kind and understanding when they are late through events out of their control. Men feel that if a woman blows a fuse easily early on in a relationship, she's likely to get worse rather than better as time goes on. But don't worry about it. You will admire him even more if he overlooks this one isolated deal that may have occured because you were in a bad mood or not feeling well.


It's much better to forgive minor infractions...but take stern action if they become a habit. In all of life, it is just being kind to yourself to remain calm and work to not upset yourself about normal life events.


I don't think you've messed things up with this guy but when you hear from him again, don't even mention the telephone episode again. You've left an apology on his answering machine and that's sufficient.


Just move forward with getting to know him and accept things as they come. After a period of time, if you feel he is not responding in a positive or encouraging way you are certainly free to pursue other men who will be more attentive and desire to see you more often.

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I disagree with Tony, I think this guy is a jerk.


He's not communicating and stuffing you around. I think you had reason to be a little pissed, a MAN would be able to take that.


It sounds like you have real doubts about his reliability. I'd say cut him loose before you get hooked on this roller-coaster. If he's better than that, he will respond in a positive way.



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Ignore my above post!!!


I read your post again, forget what I said, I must have gotten the wrong idea...I need some of that Australian aspirin



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