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what do you think...? does he or doesnt he? pleaz help *

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ok please help me i think this guy might like me but i cant tell he keeps sending mixed signals and i cant tell on my birthday he asked me to go to the movies with him and his friends, and i notice us doing the same thing i would look at him and if he notices i would look the other way and he does the same. and when we talk on the phone i can kind of tell that hes happy to hear from me. when i need chelp he never hesitates to help me, i've noticed too that he sits by me alot and watches me bowl. i remember too one time were at the bowling alley and this guy bryan i know added himself to our lane than i saw my crush go over to the lane and delete him off of it like he wanted to be with me or something. i guess i just cant tell he hasnt made any moves yet except a hug which was weird cause we have never gave eachother hugs before. one more thing my mom told me that she noticed at my sisters wedding, that he didnt stop looking at me all night she said that if i would move where he couldnt see me then he would move so he could see me, my sisters and aunt said the same thing .



please let me know what you think


thanks in advance



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Holy CRAP,................HINT HINT,...........geez how many hints do you need???? Does the guy have to throw you down and rape ya before you think he may be interested? Geez,...ya know maybe this guy is shy. Not ALL guys are the type to make the first move. Ever think of making it YOURSELF? Or,...uh,..heres a thought,.....ask him. Instead of playing this ridiculous game of does he or doesnt he,.....just ask him. This bothersome nagging question is plagueing you and all you have to do is ask.

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Did you ever think of making yourself available?


I had a guy checking me out at a Company Christmas Party. I thought he was cute. He was standing across the room...alone. I was with a group of friends.


So I made an excuse to get alone in his vicinity. I went to the buffet to get something to drink...alone.


He walked up to me, and asked me a stupid question. After a small convo, he asked me to go outside with him so he could smoke.


I went. We dated for about a month...but I decided he wasn't my type.


But if I hadn't made myself available, I probably would never have met him and to this day I probably would've regretted it.

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Originally posted by scarlyjones

Holy CRAP,................HINT HINT,...........geez how many hints do you need???? Does the guy have to throw you down and rape ya before you think he may be interested? Geez,...ya know maybe this guy is shy. Not ALL guys are the type to make the first move. Ever think of making it YOURSELF? Or,...uh,..heres a thought,.....ask him. Instead of playing this ridiculous game of does he or doesnt he,.....just ask him. This bothersome nagging question is plagueing you and all you have to do is ask.


I loved you post by the way. :laugh: very to the point. LOVED it.

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