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Now i'm living with my BF

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So since my house burnt down, my parents have been living in a hotel and I am staying with my BF. We have only been dating since January and I am so afraid that living together is going to ruin everything. I try to be as helpful as possible by doing laundry and cleaning, and finding things to do outside the home to give him space, but he has lived by himself for like 7 years and I feel like an intruder. He told me that i can stay for as long as i need to. Its going to be a while because im not financially ready to get my own place and I cant nor do I want to live at the hotel. We get along really well. Sometimes we bicker about dumb stuff, but for the most part we get along great. I dont know what I am asking from you LSers, I guess I am just venting. Any sugestions for anything.

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Sounds to me like you've got a good BF ;)


He's got your back and is helping you out here... while it may be true that he may be set in his ways after living alone for 7 years... it also seems you're doing your part in being cool about things (helping out around the place) and your not right in his space all of the time...


You've got a lot on your plate right now sister... don't stress so much over this... obviously he doesn't mind that you're there (he may actually like it) your doing the right things to be considerate... and you've got other things to worry about.


Hang in there ;)

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I will tell you this, living with someone day in and day out take a toll in your relationship if you're not ready. Under the circumstances that you're in, it wasn't a choice you guys made together. What I would do, just to give each other some space is take turns. Take turns sleeping at least a couple of days with your parents in the hotel.


He's going to get use to you, washing his clothes, making dinner, cooking and honestly...Are you married?? You do it because you care, I would to but not all the time. He did before alone, let him do it alone now. Don't take away his independence and make him Dependant of you.


It will be hard to stay away, but if you want to save the relationship I would consider staying some time with your parents...trust me, you'll enjoy each other more and get know each other a little better.

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Originally posted by alicia24

Thanks Merin. I guess I just need a little reassurance.


NP Girl... Things will work out all the way around :)

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ok ALICIA24, if u don't know how to cook then you should learn. the way to a mans heart is thru his stomach.

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It does seem like you have a good guy! (Sorry about your home...)


I would set a goal when you plan to move out (a date that allows you to have the money to move). Then, neither one of you will get to the point of saying "It wasn't supposed to last this long! I am sick of you doing this or that!" or some other relationship phobic issue comes up. When you two *actually* move in together, it should be after a reasonable amount of dating time, and with an invested interest.

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