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Hey Laurynn, Tony, Unnamed and Sparkle,


Thanks for your honest responses. You are right that I shouldn't start anything with this guy while I am still with my boyfriend. I certainly wouldn't approve if he did that to me and then later I learned about it. It wouldn't be cool at all to be dishonest. But! I did find out that the new guy has only been seeing this girl for a few weeks, and they're not really an item yet. So that changes my perspective of him a bit. I really don't believe he's a player...and I really have given it serious thought. He's too honest and sincere and good a person for that...so far all we have done is talked in class, nothing more. So we may have some repressed feelings for one another, but we are not acting upon them. I still believe he is an upright person and wouldn't let anything happen unless things were over with his girlfriend. I think we were both just tempted, and he was the one who admitted his weakness first. So, I am just playing it by ear, but I have taken all your advice into serious consideration. Thanks a lot, and if there's anything else, let me know.



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YOU WRITE: "Thanks a lot, and if there's anything else, let me know."


No, actually, it's the other way around. If there's anything else, LET US KNOW!!! We'd be real curious to know how this all turns out.


Good Luck!

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