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A Note I Wrote to Myself

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I can't thank everyone enough for all the support I've gotten regarding my recent breakup and how (terribly) I've been handling it. This community is amazing.


This is a note I wrote to myself just a few minutes ago. I wrote it while I'm feeling calm and semi-okay, so when I feel less-than-great I can re-read it and understand that I AM OKAY even if I don't always feel like it.


"You loved him with all your heart, and that is okay. Whether you had shared more or less love with each other, the relationship was going to end. You are not dumb for loving him so much - that is something that makes you a beautiful person.


It's time to move on and focus on yourself for the first time. You aren't in high school or college anymore. Your adult life has begun. You are free to travel anywhere, do anything, be anyone you want to be. Focus on your future. Saving money. Getting in better shape. Law school. Travelling. Be selfish. Make yourself happy. Be the beacon of happiness that you desire.


Your anxiety and depression don't make you worthless. They are a hard part of you, but they do not define you. Those memories that haunt you should not take up any more space in your mind. The past is gone and you have graduated. You are free.


Don't focus on the present feelings. Don't overthink when nothing happens. Your self-worth is not defined by the actions of others. You are not controlled by the actions of others."


I might add on more to it in the future, but I wanted to post it to maybe help someone else out there who is struggling, and THANK YOU TO THIS COMMUNITY AGAIN for all the love and support.

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This is my favorite part....


"You loved him with all your heart, and that is okay. Whether you had shared more or less love with each other, the relationship was going to end. You are not dumb for loving him so much - that is something that makes you a beautiful person.

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i really needed to read this.

I'm going through a very, very hard time. My breakup is still very fresh and the pain only seems to get worse.

Thank you for sharing this. I need to be kind to myself and use kind words.

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