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To delete facebook, or not?


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Hi guys.


I'm wondering if I should delete my Facebook?

I never really use it to keep in touch with friends, I only really chat with people on Facebook, but my friends and people who matter can also Whatsapp or call me.


The reason I want to delete Facebook, is because I really just don't care about it, but mostly because I still have a profile picture of me and my ex, and I don't have any other pictures to replace it with, and I suck at selfies, I just look awkward on them (I'm not even ugly, idk why this is) I also don't want have no profile picture at all, because that's just not socially accepted or something.



I don't want to look weak, and make my ex think I deleted it because I'm so sad about the break up or anything, because that's simply just not the case.



I might just deactivate my Facebook and reactivate it later whenever I feel like it, but I'm gonna have look up what happens if I do this.


My question is: would I look weak for deleting my Facebook? That's my biggest fear, even though I know I shouldn't be thinking about it.



Sorry for the silly teen-y question here, but I'm legit in a dillema right now.

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Have a female friend snap a picture of you or take a selfie. Get rid of the couple picture. It should of been removed the day your broke up. I'd also hope you have her blocked and vs. versa.



I wouldn't delete or deactive your FB, even if you rarely use it. But I'd certainly dump her picture or any other pictures off the site. :)

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Facebook. It's a thing. I have a really old picture of myself as my profile picture, one of me as a dorky kid. My header picture is of something that interests me. I change them out for other dorky pics and other things that interest me.


I chat with people I know IRL and with people I've never met but who share the same interests and with family. Change your pics up for things that make you laugh and stay there if you want to. OR, delete it and never worry about it again. The choice is yours.

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Nevermind, I just deactivated it.


Makes me more mysterious to future girls too, can't look me up to get to know me anymore, has to talk to me to find out. LOL.


I don't even care, why should I even think about what my ex will think of me when I deactivate it? she's not important.


Sorry for such a useless thread/question. Thanks anyways guys!

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I think deleting/deactivating is the best option. I took the same route and haven't been on facebook since (3 or 4 years). It won't take long to realise it's a bad habit/time waster.


Also, if you read the terms of use for the site you'll wonder why anyone in their right mind would use it...

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Nevermind, I just deactivated it.


Makes me more mysterious to future girls too, can't look me up to get to know me anymore, has to talk to me to find out. LOL.


Made me chuckle.

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