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Lauren seems threatened by a friend of mine

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I have a good friend who happens to be a girl. She is very attractive, I won't lie. However, I find Lauren much more attractive than she is and I am with her for a reason and not with Kelsey (other girl). Kelsey has a boyfriend anyway, so I don't know why Lauren feels threatened. She said it is because she thinks she likes me and I like her, and she thinks I flirt with her. I was a little offended, but I found it funny, because I know I don't flirt with her. I talk to her, yes, but I do not flirt with her. I asked Lauren how threatened she was by Kelsey on a scale of 1-10, and she said 7.


I know I don't like Kelsey, and Lauren is the only one I care about, but how can I make this even more clear to her?

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Some girls are extremely jealous creatures, and you can't do a thing to change it. But flirting with other girls won't make it easier for your girlfriend.

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I don't flirt, and Lauren isn't jealous, so I'm looking for stuff to say to assure her she is the only one I want.

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Women compete with other women. Maybe this other girl is giving Lauren signals that you aren't seeing..Making it SEEM like you're into her even though you're not. Girls can be bitchy - Don't fool yourself there. If this Kelsey chick is flirty with you - EVEN if you don't flirt back - It WILL piss off Lauren. So, yeah, no matter how much you tell Lauren it's OK, she won't believe you...Until you openly tell this other girl to leave you alone INFRONT of Lauren. Or just stop talking to that girl all together...


AHHHH I feel like I'm back in highschool. How old are you btw??

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By the way, Lauren IS jealous... territorial would be the more politically correct term to use here.

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We are both 16, sophomores in high school.


To be honest, I don't think Kelsey was flirting with me either.

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Definitely has a high school feel to it.


Feel like skippin' class all of a sudden and going for a smokey!! ;);)

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Originally posted by whichwayisup



Feel like skippin' class all of a sudden and going for a smokey!! ;);)





To think that I spent four years playing the role of a dumb jock...

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As much as you are into Lauren I'm confused as to why she would think this?? I'm not sure what else you can do to reassure her.

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