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Is it wrong to lust after your own wife ?

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I want answers from the religious people to . im Christian and i dont see anything wrong with it . im talking about sexual thoughts about her constantly just her and no one else,masturbat ing to her in your thoughts or her pictures when shes not around ,wanting to have sexual relations any chance you get. Am i wrong to think this is okay if your married to her and no one else . all answers accepted

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It's GREAT that you are so attracted to and lusting after your wife and your wife alone...


A word of caution though:


Don't let your zeal allow you to forget that she is a living, breathing, thinking, feeling individual and not just the object of your lust and/or your dutiful sex provider. She is still a person. Remember that.

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Tiger Lily
It's GREAT that you are so attracted to and lusting after your wife and your wife alone...


A word of caution though:


Don't let your zeal allow you to forget that she is a living, breathing, thinking, feeling individual and not just the object of your lust and/or your dutiful sex provider. She is still a person. Remember that.


That is a wonderful response. :)


Yes, OP...it's OK to do so. Has a laser-like focus on your wife led to problems?

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Has a laser-like focus on your wife led to problems?


Was thinking the same thing. Jet96, why are you asking :confused: ???


Mr. Lucky

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Was thinking the same thing. Jet96, why are you asking :confused: ???


Mr. Lucky


Im not married i all was told that lusting after anyone was wrong and having impure thoughts was wrong. I just wanted to know if it was okay as long as its your wife .

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I have a suspicion that due to your conservative ideals and backgrounds, that this kind of behavior and mentality is exacerbated do to the "sin" or inappropriateness of these kind of thoughts.


I think you're acting more out of repression and from something being taboo, rather than a genuine interest...it's just feels like something you're not supposed to do, therefore there's a strong desire to sexual her even more than you normally may.


I'm a sexual guy, and I'll have plenty of sex with a woman to get my feel...but it's not just focused on that, it's a lot of intimacy, affection and other satisfaction being gained as well...it's a matter of expression not just sex.

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Im not married i all was told that lusting after anyone was wrong and having impure thoughts was wrong. I just wanted to know if it was okay as long as its your wife .


I'm converting to catholicism and have read a lot of the Church's teachings on marriage. According to my faith, a married couple gives their entire selves to each other when they exchange vows. This does include their sexuality. And the "two become one flesh". So, I don't think it's possible to have lust for a spouse to the point of sin. You're supposed to feel sexual desire for your spouse. It's natural.

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