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Over my ex but not really? In a weird place


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So my ex bf and I were together for only about 2 months. It's been about 6 almost 7 months since we broke up. I know I should be completely over him and onto the next guy or at least playing the field. 2 months is such a small period of time that it should hardly count for more than just a short lived fling. Unfortunately I just feel stuck. On one hand I know we're not getting back together and that we just simply weren't meant to be. I'm not in denial about that. On the other hand I just can't see myself getting with anyone like him?? He was very smart and knowledgeable about a variety of subjects and was pretty cute on top of it. Not to mention he was an all around sweet guy in general. Yea I know, you're not supposed to dwell on your ex or keep them in the spotlight and compare them to others but I just feel like I'm going to have a hard time finding a guy I'd be remotely interested in because of it? It also doesn't help I'm shamefully keeping tabs on his social media...I know I need to cut that habit but I'm having a hard time doing so. We've decided to stay friends, or well I wanted to (he said it was my decision either way since he was the one that ended it). I genuinely like him as a person and he's one of the few people in my life I've opened up to and trust but I have no idea if that's what's keeping me back from 100% moving on. Or it could just be the fact I don't really know any guys that I'm interested in dating and so I'm still stuck on the last guy I dated.


What do you think? Will I eventually get over him with more time or when I meet someone I'm interested in dating? What can I do to speed up the process? Completely ignore him? We live in different cities that are about an hour away so we really don't see each other much but we do message each other about every other day or so. Do I need to cut back on that? Not sure what to do here.

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I am going to sound slightly harsh here, but as long as you're still in contact with your ex at this point in time, you will never get over him no matter how much time you take. It's not going to be easy of course, but it'll definitely be worth it.



You mention something about getting over your ex when you meet someone you'll be interested in dating. But in truth, that special someone seldom will turn up until you decide to let go of the past.



All the best polkadot, and do keep us updated of your progress.

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Scary to read this - I only had a 3 month RS and i'm 1 month post BU and still finding it hard to let go.


But NC really does help, there's no way you can be friends with somebody you still have romantic feelings about! He chose to cut you out romantically, you don't need his friendship as you owe him nothing. It only strokes his ego.


Strict NC, as hard as it is, it will get easier and you will finally move on.



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Im 18 months on from a 7 year relationship and i still struggle everyday... no contact for 7 months and its been hard.


There is no time limit on how long it takes to get over someone, its up to you to make that change in your life, im still trying to find that path i need to go down and get on with my life but for now , im no further forward than i was 18 months ago :(

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