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Fell for my bestfriend

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Hey im sam and 17 years old, i have a best friend called yasmin who i have been best friends with for over a year with, but the past few months i have really fallen for her. We went on a date about a month ago and she said she didnt want to ruin our friendship however we have serious chemisty with eachother, i meet her nearly every weekend out of school and go for dinner etc. we act like we are dating but on text we just change to being normal friends, we speak about it all the time and stuff and she says she gets feelings for me when in person but then they go when on text and stuff. I have tried to move on for weeks but i just come straight back to her. I dont know if i should give up or keep trying ? Someone give me advice please

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Sam it sounds like she has you in the friend zone, even though she might have feelings for you, she will not jeopardize the friendship you both share. Your best bet is to find someone else to date and keep her as your friend. If her feelings for you, start to outweigh the friendship you have, she'll let you know about it if she sees you moving on.

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Hey Sam, you are in that awkward friendzone phase with her. From my experience, this can happen if you become friends with a girl and don't make it clear you have feelings for her very early on in the friendship. This can also happen if you became good friends first without any feelings but they develop later on in the friendship.


She tells you she has friends for you in person? What exactly does she tell you?


That is the part that I can't really completely get. If she has feelings for you but it hesitant to take things to the next level, she might also feel like she is risking the friendship.

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We speak about us a lot and she says she likes me some days and some days she just wants to be friends. Its incredibly difficult as i asked if she wanted me to move on from her but she said no ?! She is scared we would loose our friendship afterwards but then again she wants something to happen. Its a compicated situation we are in for sure.

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Women are very protective of friendships they have. Like I've already said her feelings for you as a friend outweigh her feelings for you as a potential boyfriend. At the same time she doesn't want anyone else to have you as you said above she doesn't want you to move on. Unless you want to stay in some sort of limbo with her your best bet is to nudge her feelings by going out with someone else. You have to make her want you and stake a claim. Otherwise, you're just spinning your wheels.

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