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How to cope differently with arguments?!

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I know getting angry is natural.. but it's getting to the point now when I become VERY angry when arguments happen, almost enraged.


I feel like I'm being verbally attacked by this person, and when I feel this way I become VERY annoyed. We'll both say hurtful, offensive stuff to each other - and the arguing gets more and more intense.. It's like our personalities clash way too much.


I'm looking for better ways to cope, so I can control myself more when we argue again. I became so blinded by my anger a few times that I almost physically hurt this person because he wouldn't leave me alone.. This person became so blinded by their anger too, that they almost choked me.

Edited by Torii
Fixed typo.
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I know getting angry is natural.. but it's getting to the point now when I become VERY angry when arguments happen, almost enraged.


I feel like I'm being verbally attacked by this person, and when I feel this way I become VERY annoyed. We'll both say hurtful, offensive stuff to each other - and the arguing gets more and more intense.. It's like our personalities clash way too much.


I'm looking for better ways to cope, so I can control myself more when we argue again. I became so blinded by my anger a few times that I almost physically hurt this person because he wouldn't leave me alone.. This person became so blinded by their anger too, that they almost choked me.


You say on another thread you were abused in the past, I guess you have issues regarding that, that need addressed. Anger can be a sequelae of abuse.

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You say on another thread you were abused in the past, I guess you have issues regarding that, that need addressed. Anger can be a sequelae of abuse.



I don't believe this has to do with my past. I've never been this angry at anybody before - and for some reason, my anger is only directed at this one person. Only when we fight.

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Mr Scorpio

Either: (1) work hard at forcing yourself to wait three seconds before replying to any comment that this person makes (literally, count in your head, one.. two.. three..) or (2) don't have anything to do with this person.

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First why do you have to continue interacting with somebody who makes you enraged? If you get them out of your life do things get better?



A technique that helped me was to count to 10 then whisper my response. It actually is maddening to the other person because you don't escalate. I had to concentrate to keep my voice soft, which also caused me to measure my words more carefully. Then it calmed the other person down too so we could address the issues not just scream.

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