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Would never date guy or girl in this profession.....

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Money Has nothing to do with question nor social status.

Me :

Cop Firefighter or some Fancy uniform wearing title never met more man whos

Exceptions exist but more rare then hens teeth.


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And if you met exception by all means share it

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I know those are essentially the same thing, but ... I'm just saying.

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Also a MD that preforms abortions it makes my skin crawl just thinking of it

Who can and why would they

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Sex worker



Slaughterhouse worker

Rock/pop musician (no probs with someone who played in an orchestra)


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Extremist (any profession applicable) with a view on life so dated/ignorant that it is against all common sense. To imagine spending a single second in the company of someone who's job is to discriminate X person due to Y belief or background.

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Fashion designers. They are complete............
...ly materialistic....



Lolly Pop lady..........


'Cos' she makes you cross....? :p

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Abbattoir employee

Weapons and arms designer or dealer


Gossip columnist

Drug dealer

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Anyone doing a job just to get by on the bare minimum. Especially 35+

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Money Has nothing to do with question nor social status.

Me :

Cop Firefighter or some Fancy uniform wearing title never met more man whos

Exceptions exist but more rare then hens teeth.


Your Turn

And if you met exception by all means share it




Prostitute [these 2 are obvious]

Actor [bound to develop superiority complex; i've seen it before]

Psychologist [active in the profession ... and they tend to attract nutcases]

Doctor [superiority complex will soon be developed, and they cheat a lot ... would be ok with certain doctors though]

Nurse [works with doctors and there is lots of cheating]

Cop [the blue shield will mean she can screw you badly]

Merchant Marine [massive odds of cheating]

Journalist [massive manipulators and live in the spotlight]

Edited by Radu
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Marines. Models. Fighters of any kind - boxing, etc. Men miserable at their workplace - they usually search for someone to either "save" or entertain them.

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Someone involved in illegal businesses.

Abattoir workers/owners.

Sex workers.

Models, singers, actors.

Businessmen who travel a lot. (would date those but never seriously)

Owners of companies who make their money by using the cheap workers in East-Asian regions.


Someone who is involved in the horseracing scene (or any other scene that builds on animal abuse)

Anyone happy with minimum wage./Unemployed without the ambition to change it.

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Red Flag (no go):






Salesmen in high-pressured situations, or successful in some multi-level marketing scheme


Yellow Flag (use caution):


Active Duty Military


Salesmen in lower-pressured environments


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chefs- crazy hours, loads of work... and better cooks, no way!

people working in bars - bartenders or bar owners, djs. I like going out from time to time, but not as a lifestyle.

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Interested to know why so many people here wouldn't date a cop?


Also, pilot? Surely that's a respectable job, no?

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cops - dangerous job and crazy hours

pilots - lack of a stable time schedule, impending too heavily on the personal life

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Interested to know why so many people here wouldn't date a cop?


Also, pilot? Surely that's a respectable job, no?


Most important reason man who will cheat with no shame care or blink.

The rest is baggage they come with abusive is among it.

How we know well there is only one way to know something for sure isn't there.

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Most important reason man who will cheat with no shame care or blink.

The rest is baggage they come with abusive is among it.

How we know well there is only one way to know something for sure isn't there.


Yes. Cops, pilots, military are notorious for rampant cheating. And their buddies will look the other way.


However, I prefer to take people as individuals. That's why I put cops and military under Yellow Flag. My suspicion is up, but I don't discount them out of hand.


Now pilots, I'm sorry, but I work at an airport and I just don't like them. And one OLD date turned out to be a married pilot staying at a nearby hotel trying to get me to help him cheat on his wife (I left after one drink)! It's a personal bias that I admit to whole-heartedly! NO PILOTS. :laugh:

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People who think that way are morons. Never understood why so many people are anti-authority, I think it's the 'cool' thing to be these days.


I personally have huge respect for cops and would have no problem dating a copper or someone in the military for that matter. A job doesn't define a person.


I used to work as a aircraft mechanic on air force bomber aircraft, I'm sure some people would dislike the fact that I maintained an aircraft that dropped bombs on people. I was proud of it though. It didn't define me as a person.


yep some people are stupid nowadays.

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