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Would never date guy or girl in this profession.....

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Dork Vader

I will not date waitresses and I'm extremely hesitant of nurse's. There are other professions that make me uncomfortable as well.


My experience with waitresses/bartenders has been.. They have to many men hitting on them and chasing after them. This makes it rather difficult for them to remain faithful especially during a difficult patch in the relationship.


Nurse's I've had bad experiences with dating as well. For some reason or another they always seem to fool around with coworkers and/or doctors.


Any type of profession that is not respectable and/or fake. I have an insanely difficult time respecting someone foolish enough to buy into pyramid schemes. I won't name any of the companies but there are a ton of them.


Teachers I also stay clear of, they often have political views I'll never agree with.


There is also one specific company in my town.. Anyone that works at that place I will not date. I did once and my ex told me about all the crap that goes on in that office. I thought my ex was the exception but boy was I wrong.

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I will not date waitresses and I'm extremely hesitant of nurse's. There are other professions that make me uncomfortable as well.


My experience with waitresses/bartenders has been.. They have to many men hitting on them and chasing after them. This makes it rather difficult for them to remain faithful especially during a difficult patch in the relationship.


Nurse's I've had bad experiences with dating as well. For some reason or another they always seem to fool around with coworkers and/or doctors.


Any type of profession that is not respectable and/or fake. I have an insanely difficult time respecting someone foolish enough to buy into pyramid schemes. I won't name any of the companies but there are a ton of them.


Teachers I also stay clear of, they often have political views I'll never agree with.



As a guy that getting into nursing I wounder if woman feel that same way you do?


Yea AI thought about be a teacher but cant stand the teachers union it just as big part of why are education system is broken IMO.

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I'm sure some people would dislike the fact that I maintained an aircraft that dropped bombs on people. I was proud of it though. It didn't define me as a person.


Actually, the kind of job you will/won't do, may not define you as a person, but it says an awful lot about you, or what your standards/principles are.


I'm sure when you were maintaining/repairing these aircraft you weren't thinking about the plane's objectives. You never thought "I am maintaining/repairing a piece of machinery partly designed to destroy human life". You were more probably thinking that this bolt needed tightening, or that wire was loose, or those switches needed un-sticking.... You focussed on the specific and immediate job in hand, without looking at the bigger picture.

And that's ok.


My choices all have one thing in common:


Abbattoir employee

Weapons and arms designer or dealer


Gossip columnist

Drug dealer


Those people directly work in a trade that causes harm. To others chiefly, but by degrees to themselves too....

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Actually, the kind of job you will/won't do, may not define you as a person, but it says an awful lot about you, or what your standards/principles are.


I'm sure when you were maintaining/repairing these aircraft you weren't thinking about the plane's objectives. You never thought "I am maintaining/repairing a piece of machinery partly designed to destroy human life". You were more probably thinking that this bolt needed tightening, or that wire was loose, or those switches needed un-sticking.... You focussed on the specific and immediate job in hand, without looking at the bigger picture.

And that's ok.


My choices all have one thing in common:




Those people directly work in a trade that causes harm. To others chiefly, but by degrees to themselves too....


What you are saying is true, of course my primary aim was to make sure the aircraft was safe to fly and that I had done my job correctly. I would sometimes stay awake at night wondering if I had correctly torqued a bolt or if I had remembered to split-pin a nut.


I never lost any sleep Knowing that what I was doing would lead to a lose of life. In fact I was proud of the fact that I was maintaining kit that would kill the bad guys that want people like you or I dead.


We were told, in no uncertain terms, when we started that if we didn't like the thought that we'd be maintaining machines that would be killing people then this wouldn't be the job for you.


Does that change how you would view me now? Honestly, I'm interested to know and I would understand if it did and you wouldn't date me based on that.

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As a guy that getting into nursing I wounder if woman feel that same way you do?


Yea AI thought about be a teacher but cant stand the teachers union it just as big part of why are education system is broken IMO.


Male nurse? Not sure. There aren't many of them. Hospital staff have a reputation of banging each other but it's not something I'd ever had to think about.


No, not really keen on teachers myself. I think public sector in general perhaps.

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Send guns and money - I don't date women with tattoos, guns, Pitt bulls, beer-drinking biker chicks, crazy-seven cat ladies, non-smiling photos, women with accents, teachers, liers, er, I mean lawyers, or people in the force.


For a man, I'm very picky - ladies, now do you see how silly this sounds coming form the other side of the fence?!

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Send guns and money - I don't date women with tattoos, guns, Pitt bulls, beer-drinking biker chicks, crazy-seven cat ladies, non-smiling photos, women with accents, teachers, liers, er, I mean lawyers, or people in the force.


For a man, I'm very picky - ladies, now do you see how silly this sounds coming form the other side of the fence?!


It doesn't sound silly at all. I'm not sure why you would think that!

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Send guns and money - I don't date women with tattoos, guns, Pitt bulls, beer-drinking biker chicks, crazy-seven cat ladies, non-smiling photos, women with accents, teachers, liers, er, I mean lawyers, or people in the force.


For a man, I'm very picky - ladies, now do you see how silly this sounds coming form the other side of the fence?!


what's up with women with accents - you don't date foreigners? and really curious - why not teachers :p ?

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Send guns and money - I don't date women with tattoos, guns, Pitt bulls, beer-drinking biker chicks, crazy-seven cat ladies, non-smiling photos, women with accents, teachers, liers, er, I mean lawyers, or people in the force.


For a man, I'm very picky - ladies, now do you see how silly this sounds coming form the other side of the fence?!


...I wouldn't date anyone who keeps typing 'form' instead of 'from'...


Like I keep doing. Isn't one of us enough - !?


(I'm also an habitual 'freinds' abuser....!)

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what's up with women with accents - you don't date foreigners? and really curious - why not teachers :p ?


- I know, that's a controversial list. I love teachers, a teacher was directly responsible for my profession today. However, teachers are always the boss in the classroom... sadly, many people in power positions have trouble taking the work cap off after work. I've dated a few teachers and they were some of the worst control freaks I've ever seen.


The accents - I know this is counter intuitive, most people find accents a turn on. But I'm very big on communication.... I personally find that accents get in the way of hearing voice inflections. I find myself straining to understand them.... and it can be difficult to banter with them.... many foreigners can have difficulty with American slang, there is a ton of it.... and I love to banter all day long, it's very important to me.


These are not bad people and may make fantastic friends... but for me personally, let's just say they are not my romantic type.

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Psychiatrists - since I don't believe in psychiatry it would definitely be a point of contention between us.


Bartenders - because of their work hours and the risk of cheating on me with bar flies.


Musicians - Already dated a jazz musician and had a horrible experience. If he were a classical musician with an orchestra then heck yah I'd date him.


Police/Firefighters - Since I'm a worry-wort, I'd worry for their safety all the time. And their long work hours would become really annoying and make it hard to go out in the evenings for dates.


Sewer cleaner - obvious why: stinky, dirty job.


Oil and Gas Rig worker - dangerous job, they could explode which would make me sad.


Taxi Driver - somewhat dangerous job if they have to pickup/dropoff in bad areas. Pay isn't that great either.


Talk show host - I prefer the private life. No interest in dating a celebrity.


Actor - basically they cheat on their spouses with their costars (Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt) and the location shoots out of state or out of the country would be too much for me. And they have a huge ego and are narcissists.

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Councillor - feelings feelings feelings..

Hypnotherapist, psychics... - any of that stuff I think is mumbo jumbo

Prostitute - not up for sharing

Philosophers - I find all that head in the clouds thinking a waste of time! Or anyone who tries to talk really big to sound smart when all they do is make whatever knowledge they have (which I question) less relatable to those around them.

Authors - hard career, very solitary

Traffic warden - jobs worth


Pitt bulls

Even rescued pitts? Or Pitt crosses?

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Psychiatrists - since I don't believe in psychiatry it would definitely be a point of contention between us.


not sure if i understood this - how can you NOT believe in medicine? what is there to believe in...?


OT - wouldn't date anyone who is in the same profession as myself, so no medicine. i don't want to bring my job home, too. also, cops & firefighters = i worry waaaaay too much for that, too risky.


and finally, lawyers & judges = for some reason... i just don't go well with them.

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Interested to know why so many people here wouldn't date a cop?


Also, pilot? Surely that's a respectable job, no?


It takes a certain type of person to marry a police officer, a firefighter, a paramedic or someone in the Army. Not all are cut out to be married to someone who serves their community, or their country.


Doctors or jobs that the person is away from the family for long periods of time (the above as well) and citizens come first before family is also hard, again it take a strong and independent person to cope and be with someone in that field.


Actors/Actresses - They 'act' so does that mean that they can lie well (put on an act and be believable?!) :laugh: Must be hard to be married to someone famous, let alone an actor/actress, having to deal with papperazi (i know, I spelled it wrong)..


...I wouldn't date anyone who keeps typing 'form' instead of 'from'...

:lmao::lmao: Or "imput"!


Sports - Athletes could be another.

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- toreadors / stuntmen / racing drivers / any profession that involves taking un-necessary risks.



- criminal law lawyers



- high level professional sportsman (done that, not fun)

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- Anyone at a tech startup, established tech company, or anything Silicon Valley-esque. I used to date a now-exec at Facebook and he became such a tool as he climbed up the ladder I'm amazed his head even fit through the door.

- CrossFit coaches

- Libertarian lobbyists

- Actually, all lobbyists

- Any profession that encourages turning nouns into verbs


When I used OLD I saw several profiles where the men said they'd never date someone of my profession, because I'm an (insert hyperbolic suggestions of world-conquering evil incarnate) that threatens world peace. Well, OK then.

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I used to date a now-exec at Facebook and he became such a tool as he climbed up the ladder I'm amazed his head even fit through the door.


You dated Mark Zuckerberg?? I heard he is a massive tool. :bunny::bunny:


- Any profession that encourages turning nouns into verbs



Like "Facebooking"? :laugh::p:laugh:

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- Cop

Long shifts, the fear he might not come home one night.


- Army personnel

It's different if he's at a local base at home, but on tour of duty? no


Someone who is obsessed with video games - been there done that.


That being said, I'm completely smitten over a guy who is a travelling engineer. So, in an ideal world where we would be married, he would be travelling every single week.


So you never know.

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Cop/law enforcement, but not for the reasons others have given... The ones I dated were very jaded about humanity and looked at everyone as a potential criminal.


Politicians. The one I dated lied very well (he's married now and cheats too... Dodged a bullet)... and I wouldn't want to be in the position of having to keep my mouth shut about things I believe in just to make him look good.


Anyone in a profession that harms people or the planet or is grossly materialistic, or you need to develop a penchant for lying/stealing to be successful at.


On the fence about psychologists or social workers. The only bonafide sociopath I ever met in my life was a social worker. A lot of psychologists become one because they are trying to figure out their own lives, and deal with a lot of pathology. So would stay away for the same reasons I would stay away from cops and law enforcement/military.

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As a nurse and the daughter of a firefighter, I find it interesting so many folks have said no bueno to firefighters. While its true they usually work 24 shifts, they also get multiple days in a row off regularly and fairly generous vacation... Is it just the stress that the job brings that makes people reluctant to accept a firefighter as a partner?


Also as a nurse I don't understand the stereotype about nurses 'fooling around'. Most of us work long hours, get lunch breaks inconsistently, work in a predominantly female environment ( in terms of coworkers) so who in the heck has time for nookey in the closet?


as a profession nursing is consistently voted as one of the most trustworthy....


Ok so my proceed cautiously list is


1) attorneys specializing in more litigious flavors of law

2) tech field--over represented in my dating demographic and while generally well-mannered men are often disconnected from reality or emotionally unavailable

3) anyone loudly dissatisfied/disillusioned with their career and choosing to complain about it rather than change their mindset or their situation for the better.

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People who are happy in a low paying job

People who are unhappy in a low paying job

People who are unhappy in a high paying job

People who have vowels in their name

People who eliminate 99% of the population and then complain that they can't find anyone...

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Who was chronically unemployed. I don't mean someone that was laid off, made redundant, quit due to the working circumstances, etc. I just mean any guy that has no interest in working for a living and would prefer to accept government welfare provided by a tax system they are not paying into.


As for other careers, I don't believe there's any specific (legal) profession that I would say absolutely no to dating someone just because of their chosen career. I would be open to dating a military man, doctor, firefighter, policeman, etc if I was interested in that person. Maybe even a male stripper if I knew he had a plan for later and was in school or a training program pursuing a different vocation.

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