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A crazy crush with a coworker.

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Hello everyone

I definitely needed to register to find some answers.


I have been dating my boyfriend for almost 2 years. He's ok at a times , sometimes aggressive .. Crazy arguments, cops involve etc but I love him. I moved with him leaving all my family behind. Now all I got is him can't even support myself. Recently I met this guy at work I don't know him very well yet but can't stop thinking about him, or crazy to get to work just so I can see him. I don't know if this is just a phase or I really need to said something. I'm lost completely lost I don't know what to do :(

Edited by Ithappens17
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I'd say if you don't feel for your bf, end the relationship and start a new one with the guy at work.


BUT don't cheat where you see the new guy while still being involved with your bf. Then the new guy will not see you as dependable.

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