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What if i see her? :/


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2 months after the break up, had a little NC hiccup last week, Im at the point now where i don't like being out round my town for long periods of time just in case i see her with her new guy.


I feel like i cant let my guard down just in case i see her, i thought i saw her go past in a car a few days ago and it was all i thought about that evening :/ i'm constantly on edge, when someone has the same hair or clothes i start to panic.


Dont know what will make me not bothered if i see her.


Thought about dating, but dont know if im ready


Anybody else get this?

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Yep, my ex moved into my area, now we are literally neighbours.

At first I had a minor panic attack when I saw her, especially because this was my home and I felt 'safe' from having to see her.


It got less worrisome the more I saw her around, eventually, when I felt ready I saw her and walked right up and said hello. We chatted for a bit and both left smiling.


Take your time, if you're nervous, it's a good excuse to look your best whenever you go into town! Make sure you dress nice and feel confident so if she sees you you'll feel good about it!


If you eventually feel ready, and you bump into each other, like really obviously, you can talk to her briefly, or you can just carry on 'not seeing her' as you walk by. She's probably nervous too, and might be happy to also turn a blind eye while you walk past if you're not feeling ready yet.

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Its scary stuff!


My ex lives 5 mins away round the corner from me but luckily ive avoided her so far, shes probably with this new guy :/


Thats a good point about looking good, although i hope i dont see her when im out buying some trendy new gear ha.


I just know my heart will sink and it will set me back, especially if shes with him.

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Its scary stuff!


My ex lives 5 mins away round the corner from me but luckily ive avoided her so far, shes probably with this new guy :/


Thats a good point about looking good, although i hope i dont see her when im out buying some trendy new gear ha.


I just know my heart will sink and it will set me back, especially if shes with him.


Man...I ran into my ex on NYE...She was again seeing the same guy that she cheated on me with in 2009. She actually showed up with him at one of my main clients bars with this clown,knowing I'd be there.. And ...this song was on when they walked in!


They didn't stay long once she saw me,my group of friends and my date.. I wouldn't have either if I was them. My buddy's can be kinda dick's ;)

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Man...I ran into my ex on NYE...She was again seeing the same guy that she cheated on me with in 2009. She actually showed up with him at one of my main clients bars with this clown,knowing I'd be there.. And ...this song was on when they walked in!


They didn't stay long once she saw me,my group of friends and my date.. I wouldn't have either if I was them. My buddy's can be kinda dick's ;)



Just watched that music vid, what a bitch! if i was him id be like right lads drink up we're off!


That would be good though if she saw me having a great time with my mates and some new girl :)


I bet you were happy with that outcome.

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Just watched that music vid, what a bitch! if i was him id be like right lads drink up we're off!


That would be good though if she saw me having a great time with my mates and some new girl :)


I bet you were happy with that outcome.


I was taken back actually and saw her a day or so later.. She confirmed that she had been in off/on contact with the guy for a couple years(emotional affair), So that pretty much finished us. She tried to come back a few times since, but I couldn't do it again. Proud to say that I'm single and happy now. :D

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I was taken back actually and saw her a day or so later.. She confirmed that she had been in off/on contact with the guy for a couple years(emotional affair), So that pretty much finished us. She tried to come back a few times since, but I couldn't do it again. Proud to say that I'm single and happy now. :D


I want to be happy and single, im getting there its just taking longer than id thought.


Good for you thought buddy :)

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My ex-fiancé lives across the street. lol

Sometimes you just have to suck it up and muddle thru...

Now whenever I walk out of the house I'm smiling whether I'm feeling it or not.

My advice, put your best self forward and go wherever the hell you wanna go. Let her wonder WHO is putting the smile on your face?!?

Fake it til you make it.

Good luck.

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My ex-fiancé lives across the street. lol

Sometimes you just have to suck it up and muddle thru...

Now whenever I walk out of the house I'm smiling whether I'm feeling it or not.

My advice, put your best self forward and go wherever the hell you wanna go. Let her wonder WHO is putting the smile on your face?!?

Fake it til you make it.

Good luck.


Nice one! I do the same thing. I always leave the house looking and feeling my best so that if I run into anyone I know I'll be feeling confident.

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