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Hurt and ignored, I can't deal


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My ex and I broke up a few months ago [LDR]... But recently, he added me on snapchat.


He's sent me pictures of his pets, his little brother, himself, and his friends. The only problem is: these are the types of pictures I wanted when we were together. He is so camera shy and he never took a picture of his friends, even when I asked him to while we were together. But now, months later, he does?


A few weeks ago, he sent me a video that led to us discussing religion and his abandonment thereof. I felt a sense of normalcy, of something finally being set right. But I also felt that I was bothering him. But if I was, he wouldn't have replied... right? And I told him so as I sent the final message that he didn't reply to. Instead, a couple of days later, I got a photo of his face. That began our exchange of photos.


I had to beg him for pictures sometimes because that's how much he did not like pictures! So why am I getting them now? Maybe he is more confident? But, when we were together he never, not once, sent me a snapchat of his face. He simply refused to.


A few days later, I received a video and a picture of his friends. Something that I'd wanted since we first got together. During this time, he would send me a photo, I would view them, send one back, and he would take DAYS to respond. I felt that he was toying with me. I felt like I was getting mixed signals. I thought that maybe he still felt something for me? Why would you give your EX, that you've IGNORED for months on end, a glimpse of your inside life all of a sudden?


I began to get anxiety whenever snapchat notified me because he might have actually contacted me for once. I realized that I was getting caught up again, that maybe I was putting all my hope into these snapchats and he was letting me down. But maybe, just maybe, he was telling me that he missed me in his own little way. Maybe, he wanted to let me know that life was fine without me in it. One question still stands: Why now?


Yesterday, I told him how I felt. That I still missed him. That I was pissed at the way he broke up with me. That I felt like I was receiving mixed signals. I told him that I felt awkward and I wondered if he did too. We've shared so much about us with each other. I know him. We've seen each other's naked bodies. I just could not go on, communicating, but not really communicating. I told him that I was not okay with the fact that we aren't together anymore and that it bothered me still. I told him that I didn't like how we used to talk everyday and then one day he decided that he wanted nothing to do with me.


He opened my message, and did not respond.

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You need to go complete NC with him so you can heal. After all the things you told him about your missing him and he hasn't responded by telling you he feels the same way and wants you back means he doesn't. You don't need messages and pictures to keep you hanging on. He has friend zoned you or is trying to because he misses contact with you but not the relationship. Really make him miss you by not being available to him.

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You clearly aren't over the him enough to try and be just friends. And this is why social media is the devil in break-ups. It makes it way too easy to read something in to nothing. There could be any number of reasons why he's now more outgoing and likes to take pictures. Maybe he got a new phone or camera, and he really likes using it. Who knows, but the bottom line is, it doesn't necessarily (or likely) have anything to do with you. You really should send him a nice note saying you were mistaken, you aren't ready to be friends yet, and block him. And then go NC. Leave it at that, you've already said your piece.

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You are torturing yourself my dear. Many people around here are devastated from any contact with their ex's, but especially from photos. They unfriend, unplug, and walk away from social media. They avoid the places they suspect their ex might be at. They block e-mails and cell-phone #s. They even ostracize their ex's friends and family.


Meanwhile, you were willingly subjecting yourself to seeing your ex. He was letting you down via these snapchats. You were letting yourself down by even engaging in them.


But that is okay, because you can learn from the mistake. Chin up, eyes forward, no contact.

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No contact immediately. Block him.


He's playing with you and you're thinking way too much. Block him. He just wants you as a toy.

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