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When do you stop thinking of them?

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i know it depends on the person but I guess I am just looking for se General answers. My Ap Stopped speaking to me approximately 2 weeks ago. Abruptly with no explanation. It has been 1 week since I have tried to contact him. When will I stop thinking of him? Or I guess, when did you get to the point where you could get through a day without thinking of an ex AP? I am a MOW in a dead end marriage that will be over soon and the A was E and P and lasted 8 months. I am looking for the light at the end of the tunnel! Help please.

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It takes a while I'm sorry to say. I think it hurts more because you can't share it like a normal breakup. You need to just take it one day at a time. Refocus on yourself and little by little it gets easier.

I also confided in some good friends who didn't judge me and whenever I'm feeling sad ill reach out to them and they help me. You have to also just go through all the emotions. Eventually there will be indifference but the time it takes to get there is different for everyone!


(( hugs))

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i know it depends on the person but I guess I am just looking for se General answers. My Ap Stopped speaking to me approximately 2 weeks ago. Abruptly with no explanation. It has been 1 week since I have tried to contact him. When will I stop thinking of him? Or I guess, when did you get to the point where you could get through a day without thinking of an ex AP? I am a MOW in a dead end marriage that will be over soon and the A was E and P and lasted 8 months. I am looking for the light at the end of the tunnel! Help please.


When will you stop thinking of him???? When YOU decided to not give him the time of day anymore. It won't be tomorrow or even next month, but you will arrive there. I'm sorry...wish i had better answers for you. It bites. And it hurts even more! i think about the A and xMM every day, at least once an hour. It sucks but it's reality. With time it will get easier, it has for me but i am not completely out of the woods yet. I miss him, still love him then i hate him. It's an emotional roller coaster that is definitely one of the most painful things I've ever participated in.

I hope you know that you are not alone. you will received great support here. there is a light at the end of all of our tunnels, right now other's lights shine brighter than ours, but we will get there when we are meant to be there.

I'm sorry to be so matter-of-fact but i've had to learn that the hard way, honestly i learn everyday. You'll be ok, even if it doesn't seem like that right now.

All the best.

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I think there is hope that you will stop thinking about it . YOu weren't in the A for very long .

Concentrate on getting out of your marriage and making yourself a new life.

Good Luck


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