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Hi, I was hoping someone would help, about 3 yrs ago I did cheat on my b/f & I was honest about it & I told him.


He has not forgiven me for it but knows or atleast I thought he knew I would never put us through that again.


We have been through alot, no need to go in detail but my question to you is how would you handle a friend of his Ex girlfriend said I messed arould with some guy one night when I did not at all.


We talked in this bar & got drunk. Everyone knows I am with my partner & this guy is married & has kids & I have known him for yrs also I am not attracted to him. Well now my b/f does not believe me that nothing happned & believes this girl.


I am so upset & hurt as I am being accused of something I did not do.


I hung out with this girl & thought she was a friend & 4 months later she is saying I did this.


Why did she not tell me I did this the next day? also why is she just telling my b/f now?


He is so sure I did as I did cheat on him 3 yrs ago, but I told him that I did not & he is just being mean & spiteful saying I did.


Any help?

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If I were your partner, I may still wish to punish you (emotionally) and make you jump through some hoops before I could relax again.


If you volunteered information about an affair before being confronted and you were genuinely sorry, I think that buys you a lot of trust.


If you are sincere and he is half decent, he may see it.


Either way, I think you learned a lesson.


good luck



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