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I was good friends with this girl for about 5 years, and about 4 months ago we started to date, we've we're dating for 4 months exclusively and she said that we lost the passion that we used to have, we ended up breaking up. Is there anyway i can get her back?

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If you can stay away from her, not call her, not see her, not talk to her, not send messages to her, just have no form of communication with her whatsoever for a period of time, it will drive her crazy and you will hear from her.


If you call her, send her email or letters or have any other form of contact, her interest in you will diminish further.


Young ladies want what they can't have. So you have to become somebody she can't have. And start seeing other people.


I hope you can pull this off.

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This could go either way. If you OCCASIONALLY do little things for her to make her know that you are still there, she may appreciate that and make her believe that you still really do care about her. I can't repeat OCCASIONALLY enough. If you do these little things too much, then she will get pissed and just get really annoyed.


Try to leave her little notes every once in awhile and other little things like that until she tells you not to. At least try something to let her know how you feel. The worst that could happen is that she will tell you to stop and if she tells you, then by all means do.


Good luck, my friend!



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what you wrote:


"Try to leave her little notes every once in awhile and other little things like that until she tells you not to. At least try something to let her know how you feel. The worst that could happen is that she will tell you to stop and if she tells you, then by all means do."


If he was to do as you suggested, and it got to the point where she told him NOT to do it, I think there would be no chance in heck for things to ever work out. I think there's a fine line between showing someone that you're still around/do care, and coming across/BEING a 'desperate nuisance.'


I think it's best right now, for this guy to give the girl some space for a couple of weeks. No contact whatsoever. Nothing more annoying then breaking up with someone, and having them chase you like a long, lost puppy. It can be a total turn off. Sometimes playing hard to get is best.


As trite as this sounds, too.......if someone is meant to be with you, it will all work itself out..well, that's what I believe anyway.


Maybe this gal of his just needs some time to realize what she had, what she doesn't have now. If she felt there was a lack of passion, I wonder what SHE did to recapture it?..or did she expect the guy to do all of that?


I think complete time apart/space is a good thing after a breakup.....for both people to clear their heads, collect their thoughts, do some soul searching, evaluate things.


Just my 2 cents,



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