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Goal setting, achievements, stumbles & other stuff


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So, what have you done for YOURSELF today? What are your goals for the future..... starting today? I have decided to document goals, aspirations, necessities and other things I need to do for MYSELF. Some are long term, some are short term. I will update as I go through the healing process.


These are not in any particular order as yet, just pretty much a "to do" list.


  1. Continue Job Hunting
  2. Get a Job
  3. Continue going to gym daily
  4. Eat properly
  5. Loose 15Kg
  6. Stop smoking
  7. Go to the dentist
  8. Go to the Gynae
  9. Enrol in some classes for further training in career path
  10. Get money for classes
  11. Study hard and consistently
  12. Take better care of myself as far as grooming, whether leaving the house or not. Look good for ME.
  13. Continue with therapy

I'm sure I will find more to add, but this is pretty much what I want for my life at the moment.


Where, I'm at:


  • Continue Job Hunting

Am currently spending 3-4 hours online looking and applying for positions. I am going to start reaching out to agencies, etc. via telephone next week as responses have been s-l-o-w....


  • Get a Job

I need to remind myself that I am talented, capable, intelligent and worthy. I WILL get a job.


  • Continue going to gym daily

I went to gym today after taking 3 days off. I just couldn't get my butt there - emotional issues. Today however, I feel amazing after my workout and want that same feeling tomorrow and the next day... and the next


  • Eat properly

I managed some breakfast. I need to try and eat something later.... salad & tuna.


  • Loose 15Kg

Need to weigh myself. I started off with 17Kgs to loose, I'm sure I've lost a bit.... at least I hope so. I'm just frightened of the scale today. I will weigh myself first thing in the morning.


  • Stop smoking

Tomorrow is D-Day!!!!!


  • Go to the dentist

As soon as I have been smoke three for 3 weeks, I will make an appointment and go for a check-up and clean-up.


  • Go to the Gynae

Need to find a female gynae. Don't want any men around "there" at the moment. Will do an on-line search for one in my area.


  • Enrol in some classes for further training in career path

I have found some classes I would really like to attend. Problem is finance.


  • Get money for classes

Have approached STBEH for financial resources, he's humming and harring. I need to make it clear that by doing these classes, it will benefit BOTH of us in the long run. He has the money (I know it) he just doesn't want to part with it. - As usual! A theme in our marriage.


  • Study hard and consistently

As soon as I enrol - I will update here.


  • Take better care of myself as far as grooming, whether leaving the house or not. Look good for ME.

Just got home from the gym. About to take a nice bath, shave, groom my bits and get dressed.


  • Continue with therapy

Next therapy session is Monday 15th - can't wait.


So what have YOU done for YOURSELF today?

Edited by DinnerForOne
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To answer your Q, I haven't done much for myself today.



However in looking at your goals, they are lofty but the are a bit vague. To achieve them you may need to break them down into smaller subsets.



With respect to the job search, in addition to 3-4 hours on line, you need to set a goal like I will apply for 5 jobs on line per day. I will go to a job fair every month. I will do some personal networking (have lunch with former colleagues or professors) at least once per week. Like OLD it's only 1 tool & you have to add some in person opportunities.

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@ d0nnivan - Thanks for the response and I will take your advice for sure. Now get off your Butt and DO something for YOU today, like..... have an ice-cream.

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Baby steps today:


1) Have a healthy breakfast.


2) Quick cardio workout


3) Go to work


4) Go grocery shopping


5) Spend some time cooking a nice meal for dinner.


The goal for now is to not lose any more weight. Have lost 5lb in a little more than a week as I just haven't been able to eat.

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I should of made a list like this last night, my day has been pretty boring lol


  • Wake Up
  • Eat Breakfast
  • Surf The Web
  • Read a book
  • Got Dressed
  • Ate Dinner
  • Decided Not To Go Out
  • Now I'm Surfing The Web Again

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Read Alan Carrs easy way to stop smoking, works so well.


I put down my last cig in January and haven't been tempted to do it again, the book is fantastic, trust me.

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