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Why am I perpetually single?

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Originally posted by kooky

Alpha may know how to get a chick into the sack, but he doesn't know how to keep her.

that is incorrect KOOKY. Most of the time I have dumped the women I dated including my ex-wife.


and XY32, it is about balance. A man who is masculine, cocky, sensitive, giving, generous, assertive and optimistic is the one that women will flock to in droves. He just needs to know when to be what.

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Originally posted by manders_01

In short, please don't take too much stock in this whole "bad boys get the chicks" theory.


I don't, I'm not going to change myself in some fake way to attract women, but I do believe that a little extra confidence, mystery, cockyness, etc. can go a long way.


As a few have said, a little less nice, and me kicked up a notch.

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Originally posted by alphamale

that is incorrect KOOKY. Most of the time I have dumped the women I dated including my ex-wife.


and XY32, it is about balance. A man who is masculine, cocky, sensitive, giving, generous, assertive and optimistic is the one that women will flock to in droves. He just needs to know when to be what.

You are dumping them, because a) you were primarily looking for the ones you don't want to have a relationship with anyway and b) you want to dump first, because thus you are in control of the situation.

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I was actually just going to ask you about college BigB! College is a great way to meet people. Although, I am getting ready to graduate from college and I wasted over half of it with my last ex and it ended up failing so I guess I'm pretty much in the same boat as you are now. :o


Think I'd look better with more hair?




I never understood why men would want to shave all their hair off, but I can see your logic behind it with the helmet issue. Definitely grow it back! Everyone looks better with some hair on their head. :)

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You look EXACTLY like my ex in your picture. It's kind of freaking me out :p


sorry..I know that was sort of a random comment... :laugh:

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Originally posted by kooky

You are dumping them, because a) you were primarily looking for the ones you don't want to have a relationship with anyway and b) you want to dump first, because thus you are in control of the situation.


"a)" is totally false but "b)" has some truth to it. either way i usually don't have too much trouble keeping women around (but only when I want them to be around and on my terms)

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Originally posted by alphamale

"a)" is totally false but "b)" has some truth to it. either way i usually don't have too much trouble keeping women around (but only when I want them to be around and on my terms)

You think. :rolleyes: There are lot of great women out there, but somehow you always happen to meet the weirdos and crazy ones. Is this bad luck or subconsciously an avoidance of true commitment and the risk of getting hurt?


You don't have trouble keeping the at bay, but at the same time you think they are stupid and clingy for letting you control them.


I'm a woman and I think I have quite a lot of commitment phobia, too, you can't hide your true face from me. :p

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[color=red]Originally posted by IhavenoFREAKINclue

I'll date ya! [/color]



thanks, I am a little on the dorky side, I'd like to think I'm a little bit bad boy too. Though combined with my shyness I think maybe it makes me a little intimidating and unapproachable. I either come off as goofy, and dorky when I'm comfortable, or like an emotional rock when I'm feeling shy, I guess I guard my feelings, and don't show them on my face.


Here is dear your problem! You just have missed a nice chance!

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Originally posted by Hasmik

Here is dear your problem! You just have missed a nice chance!


?? huh? I think Romeo has dibs.. :D Maybe we'll have to fight over her. :cool:

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Hi BigB,


You're dealing with a lot of varied opinions and attitudes. There's no one true and tried method when it comes to dating, because you're dealing with many different personalities who have random tastes.


I, for one, definitely prefer a man who has gentleman like qualities. Does that put him into the nice category? Sure. And that's fine with me. There's a huge difference between someone being nice than someone being a doormat. Being nice to me means being an all around pleasant person. Someone who's kind and amiable. But it doesn't mean that he allows someone to manipulate or take advantage of him either. You can have a nice personality but at the same time be assertive and have boundaries.


One thing I think you definitely should be is true to yourself. Why change? Unless it's for the better. Why would you want to downplay a positive attribute for a negative one? If you're a kind person, I don't understand why you would disregard that image by trying to be a bad boy. Wouldn't you rather have a woman in your life love you for real you, rather than a impostered image?


And lastly, I actually think you're very attractive. I've always been fond of men who have extremely short hair or men who are bald. I think Michael Jordan started that trend with me. So, just because one woman might not like the short look or the nice guy "routine" doesn't mean another woman wont.

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Originally posted by BigB

?? huh? I think Romeo has dibs.. :D Maybe we'll have to fight over her. :cool:


See you at dawn tomorrow. Swords or pistols?



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When you think I fixed those two up... I think I have no other chance than to date ya, BigB! :p



All jokes aside, if you wanna be consistent, make a list with the things about yourself that you want to change. Stick to it and repeat. It will boost your confidence and even if you don't get a date, you'll at least become a better person.

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Originally posted by CurlyIam

When you think I fixed those two up... I think I have no other chance than to date ya, BigB! :p


I'll send you a list of her bad habits to watch for. Does your inbox have the capacity for superlarge documents? :p


All jokes aside, if you wanna be consistent, make a list with the things about yourself that you want to change. Stick to it and repeat. It will boost your confidence and even if you don't get a date, you'll at least become a better person.


Good advice. It's a win-win situation - whether or not you get the girl, you'll feel better about your life.

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Originally posted by ReluctantRomeo

I'll send you a list of her bad habits to watch for. Does your inbox have the capacity for superlarge documents? :p


You used to say that my imperfection made me more lovable... NoClue, open you're eyes, are you sure you wanna be "underneath him"? HE's a perfectionist! I vote for BigB. I don't mind sharing :blink blink:

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Originally posted by CurlyIam

You used to say that my imperfection made me more lovable...


In that case, you must be the most attractive woman alive... :p


NoClue, open you're eyes, are you sure you wanna be "underneath him"? HE's a perfectionist!


That's why I'm with NoClue :laugh:


I vote for BigB. I don't mind sharing :blink blink:


You flatter yourself that he might want to :p

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Originally posted by ReluctantRomeo

In that case, you must be the most attractive woman alive... :p


I believe I am, thank you very much.


You flatter yourself that he might want to :p


Well, not all men reject sensible, caring, sincere, sexy, crazy in bed women, you know!




P.S. For a man of your stature, you stick your tongue out an awful lot!

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Originally posted by CurlyIam

I believe I am, thank you very much.


Delusion is a terrible thing.


Well, not all men reject sensible, caring, sincere, sexy, crazy in bed women, you know!


True. But question is, how do men respond to women like you?


P.S. For a man of your stature, you stick your tongue out an awful lot!


You invite it :p:p:p:p

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Oh, no, I'm not falling for that trick again!

















You know, for someone hating imperfect people, you flirt an awfull lot!

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Originally posted by CurlyIam

You know, for someone hating imperfect people, you flirt an awfull lot!


Charity. I'm a very compassionate guy and don't like anyone to feel left out. Even a loser.

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Originally posted by ReluctantRomeo

See you at dawn tomorrow. Swords or pistols?




Pistols.. watch out, I'm a damn good shot. :p

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Originally posted by BigB

dang RR and Curly sure are good at hijacking threads. :rolleyes:


BigB, we need to get you out to a club, mang!

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