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Why does he do this? is it flirting?

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There is a guy i know and he always will sort of joke around based on an expression that was used. For example, I said something in an email early in the day Friday, and later on, in the evening, when I saw him, he used the same expression i used in a sentence to me. I really cannot tell if he's making fun of me or if he's just being playful? He doesn't come across mean-spirited when he's saying it but who even remembers what someone said in an email and then reuses the expression. He has done this more than once. it's like, I'll use an expression, not an unusual one, and then he will pointedly repeat it back to me... like, if he is being playful (which I think he is) what do you call that? does he just have a really good memory? i don't know anybody else who does that... I just don't know why it stood out in his mind such that he would remember to use it to me in a jokey way.


Should i ask him if he's making fun of me the next time he does that?

Update: it just makes me feel a little self-conscious like he is scrutinizing what I am saying in an email long enough to remember it way later, and then for some reason finding the need to say it back to me... I just don't know what the reason for that is.

I guess i am just self conscious because I am pretty shy, and I already have a hard time with talking to people so I don't need somebody scrutinizing what I'm saying in emails and making me feel self-conscious about it... It makes me feel like I've said something wrong.


So this reminds me of another time this happened to me. A few years ago I really liked this guy who was kind of a player, and I chatted with him online and I mentioned something like how we had a studying extravaganza. The next time i saw him, he made a point to say something about an extravaganza. It made me feel REALLY embarrassed. I could not tell if he was making fun of me. But i knew he liked me, and we went out after that too. So to this day i have no idea what that was about, all i know is that i really regretted using that word.

Edited by HansonGirl
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This all seems pretty random honestly. People do pick up expressions from others. People do flirt that way too or possibly use someone's words to mess with them. But from the little you've shared here it's hard to form an opinion of which it is or if it's nothing at all. I'd try not to let it bother you.

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I know what you are getting at....guys do this sort of stuff to let you know they are paying attention to you BUT we don't know you or him or any of this conversation, to say for sure what is going on. I guess if he asks you out, that will answer it for you.

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