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If you Won't have sex with your spouse, you might as well expect them to cheat.


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One of the best friends I ever had was a girl from Guadaloupe. She was so down to earth and told me couple of things that stayed with me.


If you are inlove, it's most likely you'll stay by his side. That's what people who are nlove do. They don't desirt eachother when they see something they don't like in their partner. One let's go only when love is gone. When hope is gone.


You are obviously inlove, even if upset, vengeful and angry. You'll stay with him until you won't be able to take it. That's what's happenes most of the times. I just hope for your sake that there'll be no kids and that you'll still be in your 20. We trully are love's sclaves, no matter how much the society evolves.


There's no harm in letting loving take over, Monday. But take a good look at him. Is he the man you fell inlove with?

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Mz. Pixie



Two great posts! I've thought the same things over and over when Monday posts. It breaks my heart to see her going through this.


I wish someone would have told me 13 years ago not to waste so much time on my EXH.

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Monday, many of us are very familiar with your past posts on this subject.


Speaking seriously, though, you've said things in the past like "men suck" and it's difficult to want to post to assist someone who's negativity manifests every now and then in such a derogatory way.


Just wanted to say that a dispassionate post like the one you started this thread with is refreshing to see.


Everyone's situation is different. Some will tell you that what you're contemplating isn't the thing to do.


You know what? When you're ready to leave, feel free to go for it. Seriously... Look how many posts here from the spouse that's been cheated on talk about "I didn't see it until it was too late."


Wanna send the ultimate message to your husband about his porn problem after MC fails? When you've reached that point where you're all done... What could possibly send a stronger message?

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