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New girl won't leave me alone?!


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Woo so here I go again jumping all over the place with my posts. Quick run-down of what happened:



My long-term boyfriend and I broke up just shy of 2 months ago. It was rather sudden though we had been arguing frequently and I was in a tough place in my life and he basically just didn't want to deal with it. When we split he told me that he just needed some space and to feel in control of his own life and asked me to go on a date with him in a few weeks so we could try to fix this by starting at square one.



I went NC, he contacted me a few days into it, got upset that I wouldn't talk to him, etc. I'm not going to lie, I continuously break NC no matter how hard I try. He IMMEDIATELY started spending time with this other girl. When I brought it up to him at first he got upset that I was bothered by it and told me that he would stop talking to her immediately if it bothered me. I told him that it wasn't my place to tell him what to do. This girl is now his un-official girlfriend. Basically they aren't official because we are in our twenties and she is in high school (aka jailbait), otherwise I feel that they'd be official. At first he tried to deny his relationship with her but I knew they were together because she was posting all over social media without his knowledge (she avoided doing it on Facebook, knowing that is the only social media that he uses). Obviously it bothered me but I kept my mouth shut because I wanted him back.



This has gone on now for the 2 months. I've accepted that she might not just be a rebound. She sure seems like it but I feel as though the rebound should have ended by now if she was?! She's been caught cheating on him twice but he refuses to believe it.



I knew that if I wanted him back I was supposed to ignore their relationship but she progressively gets worse with me. At first she liked every single post I made on Instagram and commented on most of it. Then she started doing it to my friends, and started trying to talk to my friends. This progressed into chasing me around our town, flipping me off, throwing stuff out of car windows at me, posting every thing he does with her on social media, getting her friends to stop me somewhere and try to rub their relationship in my face, getting her friends to ask me a bunch of questions about if I'm still talking to him, etc. I did my best to ignore all of it, hoping that if he realized how immature (and borderline crazy) she was that he'd just break it off, but he hasn't... it seems she can do no wrong in his eyes.



He started talking to me more, but only if I started the conversation... he just wouldn't let it end. He started honking to me when he saw me, waving, smiling, etc. However I have had it with his little gf driving me crazy. I don't want to start conflict with her because she is a minor, so I asked him for the rest of my things back, immediately. He wanted to meet up after he dropped her off and I told him that I'd prefer he just left them with someone else. We had been having rather positive conversations so he was taken back by all of this, which I understand. He asked me to please explain what was going on so I told him. I told him that his new girlfriend will not leave me alone, that it is upsetting for me to have their new relationship rubbed in my face, and that I just want to be left alone by her. He started to deny their relationship altogether again, saying he wasn't with her at all and telling me that he couldn't stop me from doing what I wanted but he begged me not to hate him. I just kind of shook my head to myself and text him back with direct quotes of her friends and a screenshot of her pictures of them and told him that it was fine, that I was happy for him, but that I wanted peace in my life and that it seemed as though cutting him out of my life for now was the only way to achieve it.



As soon as I sent him the "proof" he stopped answering me. I have no idea what went through his head or what he was feeling, but I figure that given his recent history with this girl he will take her side. I expect to be contacted by him sometime today to say that my things are at the location we agreed on, but I doubt there will be any further contact.



I'm pretty upset about it. I've resigned myself to the fact that I probably just ruined my chances of getting him back... but I couldn't handle the insanity from this new girl anymore. Does anyone have any tips about how to cope with this and move on as quickly as possible?! I still love him with all of my heart but I couldn't handle the hurt and frustration anymore. I've already deleted and blocked everything that I could on social media.

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My ex's new boyfriend is incredibly similar. We've been broken up now for the best part of 5 months and he will not leave me alone. I just ignore it, I'm sure he'll stop in time. Doesn't really bother me to be honest, I think it's quite comical how he never even knew I existed, hasn't met me, spoken to me etc. yet he's still so concerned about me. Weird guy.


Just ignore it and it'll stop in time. As for getting back together with your ex.. just forget about it, if he can be with someone as immature as that and not see an issue with it, you do not want to be with him.

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Doesnt sound like you lost anything special. He lets his crazy new gf harass you like that. There both immature. That behavior alone should drive you so far away from him. Not worth it.

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