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Jealous insecurities

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This thread is quite amusing.


My advice is "who gives a flyin fk"


She's with you. If she enjoys the sex. If she gets off. What are you so worried about. Be proud you can get your wife off. Some men can't. Size is a male ego thing. You feel less than someone because of your d*ck size! Sorry bud but in the end, the size of your flag pole doesn't mean squat.


I compare it to weight lifting....It's not about the amount of weight, it's about the form you maintain while using it.


Lucky for me I'm HUGE in both areas. :lmao::lmao:

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6 previous partners is absolutely nothing.

You're not ready for a relationship I'm afraid. And a marriage is meant to be a commitment for life, you're already cheating.

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I am going to therapy but I don't know if she's lying. I have a lot of friends get lied to in the past so they'd say she's lying to cover up that one penis she loved but couldn't marry.


Women fall in love with and marry men, not penises.


Your wife does not think about penis nearly as much as you do, I am certain. Why are you so obsessed with penises? (Yours, theirs)

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