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how do i know if he wants to try agin????

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well i need a little help ..........ok so my ex and i have been broken up for a month and we both still have feelings for eachother and i know he still loves me but the question i have is does anyone know how i can tell if he wants to get back together like how would he act or what kinnda stuff would he say if thats what he wanted. the reason i ask is because i know that if he wanted to get back together he would probably want me to say somthing, he feels bad for calling it off.


so please if anyone can help he or tell me how to know if he wants to start over tell me


thanx soooooo much.

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If he broke up with you to begin with I would say if he wanted you back he would speak up...


He may still care about you, and/or have some feelings for you.. but IMO if the feelings were that strong he would move heaven and earth to be with you.


When you Love someone REALLY Love them, you don't leave it to risk or chance loosing them for good.


Good Luck

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