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or insight as to why she would do this to me?

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I was dating a girl for about 6 months. During when she told me terrible things that happened in her life. It broke my heart to hear. Said she had a miscarriage, she said she was molested, all types of horrible stuff. Anyway, last week, she broke up with me. It hurt me. After everything I done for her, she breaks up for no reason. So I kept asking her why...she said she never loved me. So I asked why... She said I was a liar. She had some pics on my phone (nothing dirty), and I was supposed to erase them but I forgot. So she calls me a liar. Then she continues to tell me that everything she ever told me about this horrible life of hers was all made up. Now if I didn't spend the waking hours of the morning talking to her and feeling her "pain" I wouldn't have gotten so upset. So like a baby, I cried a little. I put a lot of time and heart into this girl.I asked how she could something so twisted. She said "because it's fun"...then calls me a liar again! Then she said she wants me to sext her. But only on her terms and she will send nothing in return (text, picture, etc.) Which in no way am I doing...But, can someone pleasee give me some insight and advice in all this. It breaks my heart knowing someone can be so loved and yet destroy the other. I just can't get through to myself after all the love I gave her she would do this to me.

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i was in a similar situation few years ago. it hurt when she broke up with me but trust me after a while you will remember that girl have a little chuckle and think to yourself "thank god i didnt end up with that girl"

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Don't walk...run! She will hurt you more, if you let her. Don't set yourself up for more by not taking this seriously. For someone to lie about those sort of issues and then say it was fun...that's really dark.


Good luck!

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Sounds like she's bscly a sadist who gets off on subjugating you. The sexting 'order' after she crashed it all down is just a power play that would demonstrate her continued control over you - which she would also probably get off on.


There's nothing there for you most likely, with the only caveat being that she likely did that to you bc she sensed you might be a workable sub. If that were true, then you could do what she says and get some enjoyment out of it.


Sounds twisted I know but there are a lot more twisted things out there.

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It drives me insane that this would happen. I want to text her so badly and yet no it's a huge mistake. I just don't know what to do.

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