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If Hell Is Real Why Did God Bother Creating Anyone?

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The doctrine of eternal hell makes no sense in light of God creating anything or anyone unless He is incompetent and doesn't know what the hell He was doing. Why create us if He already knew ahead of time that most or some would end up as spiritual lost causes in hell in the end?


I am considered one of those lost cause sinners by the way according to how Christians believe. I have already blasphemed the Holy Ghost which is the unpardonable sin as I have been told. So there's no reason for me to worry about repentance or trying to change my life because I'm not going to be forgiven anyway.


Any God who would create humans knowing that they would end up in hell is either an incompetent manager of the universe or he is sadistic and must be okay with some going to hell.


That's a stupid God. Nobody forced Him to create anything or anyone. Nobody twisted God's arm. This was all on His free will choice and therefore He is responsible for His choices and the final outcome of it because He knew ahead of time what would become of humanity.


I hear Christians shouting and overrating free will when it comes to humans making decisions but they don't bother to emphasize enough that God has a free will too. Why is it that humans are held to a higher responsibility than God Himself when God is the one who is all powerful? It is only just that the more power one has the greater responsibility they have. Is God more powerful than humans or not?


If He is more powerful then why are Christians not holding Him to a higher level of responsibility for choices than humans? Why do Christians instead like to try and make excuses for God? I see that all the time. When Christians defend the doctrine of hell they are constantly making excuses for God left and right like they are His defense attorney. Well anyone who tries to be God's defense attorney on the subject of hell is an accomplice to God's sadistic crimes! Which means you might as well be the one throwing people in hell. You are just as sadistic. Both you and your God are incompetent bastards!


A competent and loving God and all powerful God who cares about everyone equally would do one of two things. Either find a solution that would work to bring everyone home safely or don't even bother creating anyone. Aren't we better off not existing at all than being given an opportunity to go to hell? Having a chance to experience this temporal life on earth and all it has to offer means nothing if in the end I wind up in hell?


I would get kicked out of church for asking these questions because ultimately pastors and other religious leaders don't know how to answer these questions. The doctrine of hell is very damaging in practical ways. If hell is real them all the more reason to abort babies before they get a chance to be deceived by satan and taken to hell. Aborted babies go to heaven. Mentally retarded people go to heaven too. Why didn't God just make us all mentally retarded so we would go to heaven? Maybe in God's view we are all mentally retarded? Who gets to determine who has enough intelligence to make decisions about their eternal destiny and who doesn't? Man's estimation is not the same as God's estimation.

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There are mothers who kill their babies before the age of accountability because they took the doctrine of hell so seriously that our of love for their child they didn't want to take the chance of their child getting old enough to choose hell. The religious leaders who indoctrinated her should be thrown in jail. If you love someone and if you believe hell is real you will do everything in your power to make sure there's no possibility of them going there. That mother did the right thing based on her beliefs.


Abortion doctors are unknowingly leading more souls to heaven than Christian missionaries.


Doctrine of hell portrays God as a hypocrite? How so? He tells us to love our enemies and bless them that curse us but He doesn't do the same. He burns His enemies instead. That's not a respectable leader. A leader sets the example in their actions instead of giving barking orders to do what they say and not as they do!


In conclusion the Christian God is stupid and sadistic and a bastard and should be sent to hell Himself! He is the only one that belongs there for being too incompetent in running a universe. Would any employer want to hire this guy?


Why do you Christians follow this pagan garbage? Why? Are you really that stupid? Intelligent people do not embrace a doctrine of hell. Critical thinking people do not!

Edited by Inquire
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I am considered one of those lost cause sinners by the way according to how Christians believe. I have already blasphemed the Holy Ghost which is the unpardonable sin as I have been told. So there's no reason for me to worry about repentance or trying to change my life because I'm not going to be forgiven anyway.


Religion: Bringing good things to life.



Yeah, dump the dogma, accept that its all total bs, and you're not a lost cause. And get away from the stupid church before it damages your brain any worse.



You can be spiritual without being a slave to nutty beliefs.

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I am considered one of those lost cause sinners by the way according to how Christians believe. I have already blasphemed the Holy Ghost which is the unpardonable sin as I have been told. So there's no reason for me to worry about repentance or trying to change my life because I'm not going to be forgiven anyway.


This is actually incorrect. You have hope of salvation up until the moment you take your last breath.


I could take the time to try to explain what holiness is, who God is, our choices to sin, what Jesus did, etc.....


But I do not perceive that you are actually open to it or looking for any real answer to your question, and given what usually happens on threads like this when a Christian sincerely opens their heart, I just don't have the emotional fortitude to have my entire life mocked today.


I wish you peace.

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This is actually incorrect. You have hope of salvation up until the moment you take your last breath.


I could take the time to try to explain what holiness is, who God is, our choices to sin, what Jesus did, etc.....


But I do not perceive that you are actually open to it or looking for any real answer to your question, and given what usually happens on threads like this when a Christian sincerely opens their heart, I just don't have the emotional fortitude to have my entire life mocked today.


I wish you peace.


You had great replies on my own thread that I created an account to rant on, so seeing your post here may have disarmed me from launching an all out offensive :laugh:


I appreciated your replies not being to "Christian-centrist" to be objective in your comments.


But personally, without bashing anyone's personal belief, this is one of the things that I questioned about church, my short answer is that everybody passes on to something else after our physical bodies go, what we go to, I don't know.


I think the concept of hell is more about what you can create for yourself from bad choices, almost everything considered "sin" has real world consequences. Whether you pay for them in the afterlife in some form or not, I am open to speculation.

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Since the topic is appropriate to our forum, even though it was created by one of our hydras (previously banned members), I'll leave it open to topical discussion. If they show up again under another username, please remain on-topic and alert moderation with the 'alert us' button on posts. Thanks!

Edited by William
Clarify term and clean up thread.
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As you say, the doctrine of eternal hell...is just a human-made doctrine. It is NOT God-reality!

Equally, what Christians tend to believe and accept for "spiritual fact", is NOT God-reality, either. Just more human-made doctrine and dogma.


There are no "lost cause sinners" because God did not create such things. We CAN be temporarily lost...but only as the consequence of our own free-will choices and decisions. When we change those and sincerely ask for forgiveness -- at the spiritual level -- then we become the prodigal sons and daughters of God.


If you are interested in higher understanding of spiritual reality, perhaps Google "ascended masters". I would offer Kim Michaels' websites.

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Re: If hell is real why did God bother creating anyone?


Probably the same reason, we humans invented discussion forums, despite knowing certain humans would troll them.

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I remember my dad asking me (at a fairly young age) a similar question. He asked....If God knew the fate of Adam and Eve and that evil would corrupt them....does that make God an A**hole?


In fairness to my father, he was (RIP) a Christian man. He wanted us to challenge our beliefs because he had come to his own (as a scientist and raised an Orthodox Catholic) personal response, rebellion and conclusion. Yep. :confused:


What does a kid say to her dad when asked a question like this? There is no hell, except what we create.


Really, I said, I don't know. To which he replied.....Good.

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