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Ok, where to start.


My ex broke up with me 4 months ago after 4 years (1 year living together). I was heart broken but understood the reasons why. Through a voluntry organisation we still had to see each other once a week, but that was ok. A month and half later he started dating this girl. A month after he started dating this girl we slept together (bad I know). I was ok afterwards (shock).


The problem is its happened again 3 months down the line (he is still with that same girl)......... and now its confusing me!!!


Why? I thought he was settled in his new relationship??


Don't what I'm asking here!!!

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Hello TartanTwinkle. I bet you get a lot of opinions all over the spectrum on this one. Personally, I would be afraid to sleep with someone who casually sleeps with others...They tend to sleep with alot of others who tend to sleep with others.... I'd vist the doctor and at least get checked.

That being said, there is something to be said for great sex, if that is in fact what you're having with him. I think a couple who can easily 'ring each other's bell' in bed so to speak, is something to be treasured.

Let me ask you ...would you still feel okay about it if everyone else knew about it? I use that as a barometer sometimes....if everyone knew I've done this and kept doing this , would I still feel okay about it or ashamed in front of them if they confronted me about it?

I'd seriously consider that before going much farther.

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he's into casual sex. you should know that by now, when he was with you he was probably sleeping with others.. .you should talk to him and be on a mutual agreement of what it is that you all expect from each other, if it's sex it's sex and both of you should be on the same page.... if you want something more than he does, than that is a problem...

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Tartan Twinkle

Hello guys,


Thanx for replying :)


I hear what you guys are saying but I can't seem to relate casual sex type with my ex. I know that may sound strange (cos hes a man).


Find it hard to believe he slept around the whole time we were together when we were so close.


I've decided to end any sexual contact with him because I can't handle his guilt trips and regret. He can't seem to handle it all.......

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