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GF Best Friend


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Short and sweet. Gf accepted invite to concert from best friend (male), tickets purchased. Gf lives with me. I have problems with GF decision of accepting without consulting me first, and afterwards did nothing to ensure I could go other than to say if I want to go then I need to by my own ticket. Didn't like that answer so I told her if she goes then we are through, because 1. Friend knows me, and did'nt even represent like he should if there friend ship is all that. 2. Gf definded his actions to strongly, even though admited he should have talked to me. 3. To me her acceptance and actions (after seeing I dissapproved) indicated to me she had no respect for my feelings and how this had hurt me.


Did I do the right thing by ending the relationship ? This same male friend of hers has shadowed our relaionship in the past with another uncomfortable situation, that my GF and her male friend are aware of and still say things were'nt as they appeared.

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You can't have a girlfriend who is not sensitive to your feelings. At least before accepting this invite, she could have consulted with you. If her friend knows you, he could have included you. I occasionally go out with lady "friends" and always include their boyfriends if they have one.


Given that this sort of complication has arisen before and her attitude this time, you really didn't have much choice but to give her the boot. If she lives with you, her first consideration should have been given to you.


Just between you and me, very often it is not a very practical thing for a female in a relationship to have such a "close" male buddy. Same goes for guys having female "friends." But that's my opinion based on observation and consequences.

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Right on Tony. My girlfriend has a close male buddy, and it just bugs the hell out of me. It hasn't affected our relationship too much, especially because he lives far. Nonetheless, he's there and they email, and worst of all, she's in the Caribbean right now visiting him (very gracious move on my part I think) I trust her, that's all I can say. I know for sure (my instinct) that the guy still likes her, but I also know that she doesn't see it that way. Basically, it's annoying that she doesn't see it my way, which would most likely break up their "friendship." It's tough, but no guy wants to be an a**h***...

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  • 2 weeks later...

My boyfriend cultivates these close friendships with women periodically and they talk on the phone late at night after I've gone to bed, and he'll do all kinds of really nice favors for them - like pick them up at the airport. It's like he's obsessed with being needed. There's nothing technically inappropriate about it, but it PISSES me off to no end. He says he'd feel the same way if the tables were turned, but he pretty much refuses to change. AND I know these girls inevitably become attracted to him - I think he gets off on the power he gets over them. What do you think?

Right on Tony. My girlfriend has a close male buddy, and it just bugs the hell out of me. It hasn't affected our relationship too much, especially because he lives far. Nonetheless, he's there and they email, and worst of all, she's in the Caribbean right now visiting him (very gracious move on my part I think) I trust her, that's all I can say. I know for sure (my instinct) that the guy still likes her, but I also know that she doesn't see it that way. Basically, it's annoying that she doesn't see it my way, which would most likely break up their "friendship." It's tough, but no guy wants to be an a**h***...
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