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Question at the end...second chance after cheating

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I had a boyfriend for almost three years, he broke up with me in December. We had problems, and it was an imbalanced relationship, as in I had to make a lot of compromises to deal with his commitment and relationship issues. Mind you, he is/was the love of my young life, and I never, ever doubted how I felt about him since the day we met. He on the other hand had issues with commitment, and was confused sometimes, and said some really odd, disconcerting things that made me really doubt how "in love" with me he said he was. He was aloof, hot and cold with me, and when I brought stuff up, he made me feel like I was crazy or insecure, and that he didn't want to change things. Meaning, the way I was feeling couldn't have been due to his behavior, and it was all my fault, which wasn't necessarily true.


Back in November I stupidly got inebriated at an event, and I mean, I actually was blacking out, but, yes, ended up hooking up with this "friend." I was so drunk I was actually confused about who I was with at that moment. Anyways, so I told my ex-bf 4 days later, and we didn't fully break up for a month after that. It was completely devastating for both of us. I know I let it happen, because on a subconscious level, I was fed up, frustrated and unsure about how devoted to our relationship my ex was, and my emotional state with him had been deteriorating for half of our relationship. Never in our entire relationship did I ever have any interest in another person. So, this was a shock to both of us.


My question is, if anyone has been on the receiving end of this, would you take the ex-gf back after a lot of time went by? I'm clearly not over him, and even though we had problems, I feel like if we both grew up (yes, I am being diplomatic and including myself in that statement, for good measure), we would work out in the future. Any opinions?


We haven't spoken for 3 months.

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No, under any circumstances. And not out of hate or anger.


To me, a relationship with the girl just wouldn't be attractive anymore: the drunkeness shows that the girl isn't mature enough to handle booze and that she doesn't value herself enough not to give it away too easy. I'd wish her well, but wouldn't give her another thought.


Especially since the other guy was a friend, I would walk faster: there's no way I'd stay/get back together when there'd be conversations about where the other guy was (still a pal, still see him, whatever). No way I'd encounter another dude who hooked up with my girl and I wouldn't even discuss it; it's beneath most men's pride.


Of course, that's just how I see it.

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