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How do women express their first impressions and emotions?

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I recently met this girl off of Yahoo Personals. On our first date we sat on a bench at a park and just looked out towards the water. When I first met her she gave me a kiss on a cheek I followed with one back. Shes Brazillian so I think it is custom for South American people to do that? Please correct me if I'm wrong? Anyways we talk on the bench and she is feeling cold so I put my arm around her, she is ok by that soon enough her head is resting on my shoulder. We sit like this for an hour before it is time to leave and end our date. We were orginally going to see a movie but it was late so we opted for a walk in the park and a bench. We said goodbye and I hugged her.


Next date we saw a movie and I held her hand all through it and when I let go her arm/hand was still resting on my leg. I told her each time we went out that I thanked her for coming and that meant alot to find time in her schedule. She has not said anything "romantic" yet other than things are looking good for us. My question is do actions speak louder than words? Is it for show? Or do girls wait to share their feelings and emotions for a guy?


Thank you for your help.

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Then what's the problem? Everyone closes their eyes when they kiss. If you don't then you are weird. Sounds like she likes you.

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