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a single no kids sister-in-law is expected to cook for a sister-in-laws' entire family on boxing-day, five kids eight adults


who should be doing or saying what?

please say the first thing that comes into your head,

and what position you are in your family

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The single sister in law, should go on holiday somewhere far, far away and let them cook their own.

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married , single, divorced doesn't carry any bearing to the art of cooking. If someone wants to cook , let em! Now if someone is being drafted into cooking without being asked, then yes, its probably going to have less welcoming attitude to the guest.....

What is usually the meal for boxing day?

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eye of the storm

My first thought is questions.


Was she asked, told, or was it assumed because she had done it before?


If she was told and is cool with it then fine, if she was not cool with it then she should mention she has other plans.


Some people love throwing parties and cooking for company. Some don't.

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Who is paying for the food? .. and if cook thinks she will get saddled with washing the dishes, use disposable products.

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the husband insists on paying, the wife likes proper plates, a smart table


Then sister-in-law is only doing the cooking? And probably will not have to wash the dishes?

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