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Update on my breakup

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Okay, everyone at Loveshack is really smart!


Let's see it's been 2 months since I broke up. Went no contact and at 3.5 weeks he called, I talked to him and he gave me a passionate dance about wanting everything I want, thought he'd lost me forever, whatever have you.


Yes, I'm a moron, I started dating him again. fast forward to Monday night, we go out, have a great time, Tuesday I get an email telling me I'm dating and sleeping with an involved man. Basically I'm a homewrecker.


I rallied my friends, they turned into super sleuths and found all the proof I needed based on what the email told me. Not only involved, the woman had had a baby 1.5 weeks before we started dating the first time.


I didn't know and yet somehow still feel so disgusting. I did confront him and he of course tried to deny everything but it's black and white.


So, I'm done and just numb now but you all were right. He was involved, and I was the idiot who fell for it...twice!

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