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A story of hope


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I know if you are reading this you are going through some tough times with a break up. I am as well, but I found something that has given me hope and I hope it can for you too. Now this is from one of my favorite tv shows "How I Met Your Mother" so some of you may have heard this. Read the story and really think about it.

So there was this young beautiful women driving on a highway in a rush. She was going around 90 and of course she blows right by a cop. The cop walked up to the car and says "Young lady, I have been waiting for you all day." She replies back "Sorry officer I got here as fast as I could."

Moral of the story is that your dream girl/guy is on his way and he is coming as fast as he can. Waiting is the hardest part but the right person is searching for the exit ramp that has your name on it.

There is a silver lining.

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