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All has failed - GOING TO START NC Tomorrow

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Hi everyone, brief description, my EX left me for another guy, I treated her not very well, pushed her away, never showed her love and attention, tried the flowers, chocolates, begged, been her friend, accepted her insane flirting during our meets, we have a 13 month old little girl, agreed on my two days with my daughter ( she drops her off at my mothers and collects her from there ) so I dont see her, I love this girl, she says she loves me but she wont get back with me, I think she is loved up with her new boyfriend, she told me today on the phone we will only ever be friends, it cut me very deeply, I have decided to go no contact from tomorrow so I am hoping to vent on here if I am feeling the need to contact her, I told her not to contact me as I need to sort my emotions out and that I will contact her when I am ready

this is going to kill me, and her I imagine because she has not gone more than 2 days without calling or messaging me, so I hope for some support

I will set an initial target of two weeks - THANKS EVERYONE

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Be strong man. It will take a while for you to feel good again.I been there.My childs mother broke up with me before my kid turned 2.That was 8years ago.It took a while to get over her.meaning a couple of months.The reason it took so long is because we still spoke.

So what you doong N/C takes guts.I have to give it to you.That will make the process go much faster.So take each day as it comes.And feeling sad/depressed/anxiety is normal.But trust me you will be able to stand infront of her one day and just see her as your ex and childs mother and nothing else.By then you will have someone else and every bad relationship teaches us how to be a better person...

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Thanks Brad, I hope I can stick to no contact as I am a really weak person with her, I have never felt so sht in all my life, I was blindsided by this, nightmares, worrying, my only rest from it all is when I am sleeping, seen my ex today I dropped her in town, I gave her a cuddle and we told each other we love each other, breaks my heart how this has ended up like this....

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